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Modifications of probabilistic models of states evolution for reliability analysis of district heating systems

Postnikov I., Stennikov V. Modifications of probabilistic models of states evolution for reliability analysis of district heating systems // Energy Reports. Vol.6. No.2. 2020. P.293-298. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.11.077 The analysis and synthesis of reliability of energy systems, particularly district heating systems (DHS), is based on probabilistic ...

Теги: availability factor , district heating system , failure and restoration rates , markov random processes , non-ordinary and depending events , probabilistic models , rate of transition , reliability analysis , district heating , heating equipment , random processes
Improvement in the computational efficiency of a technique for assessing the reliability of electric power systems based on the Monte Carlo method

Krupenev D., Boyarkin D., Iakubovskii D. Improvement in the computational efficiency of a technique for assessing the reliability of electric power systems based on the Monte Carlo method // Reliability Engineering & System Safety. Vol.204. ID: 107171. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2020.107171 The reliability of energy systems is assessed to control their operation and expansion. An effective method for reliability assessment is the Monte Carlo method. This process, however, is often time-consuming...

Теги: machine learning , monte carlo method , power system , random sequences , reliability , computational efficiency , decision trees , electric power systems , learning systems , reliability analysis , support vector machines , control problems , energy systems , free st
Operational risk assessment of electric-gas integrated energy systems considering N-1 accidents

Liu H., Li Y., Cao Y., Zeng Z., Sidorov D. Operational risk assessment of electric-gas integrated energy systems considering N-1 accidents // Energies. Vol.13. No.5. ID: 1208. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/EN13051208 The reliability analysis method and risk assessment model for the traditional single network no longer meet the requirements of the risk analysis of coupled systems. This paper establishes a risk assessment system of electric-gas integrated energy system ...

Теги: component accident set , integrated energy system , risk assessment , vulnerability , reliability analysis , risk analysis , accident consequences , assessment system , integrated energy systems , operation constraint , operational risks , reliability analysis metho
Influence of failures of overhead lines on reliability of autonomous power supply system

... of electricity supply we many times simulated and analyzed of random states of autonomous power supply system. Results of experimental research confirm that detailed accounting of statistics of real failures of overhead lines increases of quality of reliability analysis. © 2018 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences.

Теги: electric power transmission networks , energy policy , overhead lines , reliability analysis , smart power grids , solar energy , autonomous power-supply systems , diesel generators , electricity networks , el
Methods of analysis of the power system security

....58. ID: 02018. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185802018 Increasing the intelligent level of the PS control systems caused by the implementation of Smart technologies changes the structure and the properties of PS and increases the importance of system reliability analysis. System reliability analysis includes two components - the balance analysis and the regime analysis. on the one hand, there are a large number of studies that assess the reliability of the power system examining various aspects and ...

Теги: control system analysis , electric power system security , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , problem solving , reliability analysis , development and operations , development sc
Improving of the quality and reliability of water supply systems on the basis of modern information and computing technologies

Alekseev A.V. Improving of the quality and reliability of water supply systems on the basis of modern information and computing technologies // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.39. ID: 04003. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20183904003 The article deals with the issues of increasing the reliability and quality of water supply systems operation on the basis of modern methods and software complexes for the analysis and development of hydraulic conditions. Against the backdrop of the analysis of the literature...

Теги: application programs , hydraulic equipment , pipelines , reliability analysis , software reliability , water quality , water supply , water supply systems , common information spaces , computing technology , da
Optimization of adequacy of electric power systems in market conditions

... electric power system under market conditions, which involve confrontation of various interests of market participants. This feature makes unsuitable of traditional methods for optimization of the reliability of electric power system. We carry out the reliability analysis of the variants of development of electric power system based on of the Monte Carlo method. We calculate the profit of generating companies by the obtained reliability indexes, which characterize some variant of electric power system ...

Теги: adequacy analysis , development of energy system , electric power system , electricity market , reliability optimization , commerce , electric power systems , monte carlo methods , power markets , reliability , reliability analysis , energy systems , generating compa
