... This paper establishes a risk assessment system of electric-gas integrated energy system (EGIES) considering the risk security of components. According to the mathematical model of each component, the EGIES steady state analysis model considering the operation constraints is established to analyze the operation status of each component. Then the EGIES component accident set is established to simulate the accident consequences caused by the failure of each component to EGIES. Furthermore, EGIES risk ...
Теги: component accident set , integrated energy system , risk assessment , vulnerability , reliability analysis , risk analysis , accident consequences , assessment system , integrated energy systems , operation constraint , operational risks , reliability analysis metho... Dynamic state estimation yields the predicted values of the state variables. Modified state estimation calculates the total transfer capability on the basis of the forecast data. The obtained state is called the resultant steady state. Depending on operation constraints, the modified state estimation program parameters to be adjusted to provide optimal result of the modified state estimation are taken from the database by using ANN, and the resultant state variables of the interconnected power system ...
Теги: electric lines , electric power systems , forecasting , measurements , neural networks , state estimation , dynamic state estimation , estimation program , on-line controls , operation constraint , optimal resu