Karamov D.N., Naumov I.V., Perzhabinsky S.M. Mathematical modelling of failures of electrical grid (10 kv) of autonomous energy systems with renewable distributed generation // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.329. №7. 2018. P.116-130. https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_35410988_83631417.pdf Relevance of the work is caused by the improvement of the existing approaches to modeling possible component failures of autonomous power systems with distributed...
Теги: autonomous energy systems , chronological method. , distributed generation , forecasting , renewable energy sources , solar radiation , wind energy potentialМазурова О.В., Гальперова Е.В. Учет неопределенности экономических параметров при оценке рыночного спроса на энергоресурсы в регионе // Экономика региона . Т.13. №2. 2017. C.465-476. DOI: 10.17059/2017-2-12 Статья в журнале
Теги: forecasting , uncertainty , energy resources , prices , competitiveness , regions of russia , regional markets , demand , fuel and energy sector , elasticity , macro-region , modelSidorov D., Panasetsky D., Tomin N., Karamov D., Zhukov A., Muftahov I., Dreglea A., Liu F., Li Y. Toward zero-emission hybrid AC/DC power systems with renewable energy sources and storages: A case study from Lake Baikal region // Energies. Vol.13. No.5. ID: 1226. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/en13051226 Tourism development in ecologically vulnerable areas like the lake Baikal region in Eastern Siberia is a challenging problem. To this end, the dynamical models of AC/DC hybrid isolated power system consisting...
Теги: forecasting , hybrid ac/dc power system , machine learning , renewable energy source , stochastic optimization , volterra models , deep learning , electric power generation , electric power transmission networks , energy storage , integral equations , lakes , optimizSidorov D., Liu F., Sun Y. Machine learning for energy systems // Energies. Vol.13. No.18. ID: 4708. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/en13184708 [No abstract available] входит Статья в журнале
Теги: artificial intelligence , cyber-physical systems , energy management system , energy storage , energy systems , forecasting , industrial mathematics , intelligent control , inverse problems , load leveling , of... order to solve these problems the Volterra integral dynamical models are employed. Such models allow to determine the alternating power function for given/forecasted load and generation datasets. In order to efficiently solve this problem, the load forecasting models were proposed using deep learning and support vector regression models. Forecasting models use various features including average daily temperature, load values with time shift and moving averages. Effectiveness of the proposed energy ...
Теги: deep learning. , energy storage , forecasting , integral equations , inverse problem , machine learning , numerical methods , power systems , svm... qualitative transformations in the energy sector according to new environmental requirements. The forecast estimates of possible consequences of the adoption of electric vehicles in Russia are given. This paper proposes a methodological approach to forecasting of energy consumption in the transport sector. A general scheme of interrelations between models designed to make forecast of energy demand at the country level is presented with the integration of dynamic macroeconomic model and the simulation ...
Теги: electric car , energy consumption , energy intensity , forecast , longterm trends , motor fuel , perspective , road transport , transport , automotive fuels , electric automobiles , forecasting , freight transportation , roads and streets , electric cars , long-term treGal'Perova E., Mazurova O. Distinctive Features of Energy Demand Forecasting in the Non-Manufacturing Sector of the Economy // 2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602537. 2019. ISBN (print): 9781538695357. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2018.8602537 ...
Теги: energy demand , households , long-term forecasting , modeling , per capita energy consumption , service industry , economic and social effects , energy management , energy utilization , forecasting , manufacture , models , energy demands , per capita , service industriGlazunova A. Dynamic State Estimation of Electric Power System Integrating Wind Power Generation // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.69. ID: 02013. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20186902013 This paper is concerned with a problem of operation control of the electric power systems integrating wind farms. Dynamic state estimation is used to obtain reliable information about state variables and to promptly forecast the upcoming operating conditions. To predict the state variables, we assume that the wind farms...
Теги: electric power generation , electric power system control , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , electric utilities , forecasting , state estimation , wind , wind power , active poweКононов Ю.Д., Кононов Д.Ю. Влияние горизонта прогнозирования и роста неопределенности на способы оценки конкурентоспособности новых электростанций // Известия РАН. Энергетика. №4. 2018. C.21-30. DOI: 10.31857/S000233100002361-1 Рассматриваются проблемы комплексной оценки сравнительной эффективности разных электростанций в условиях неопределенности и усложнения взаимосвязей энергетики и экономики. Анализируются зарубежные данные об изменении технико-экономических показателей новых электростанций...
Теги: power plants , comparative effectiveness , forecasting , uncertainty , электростанции , сравнительная эффективность , прогнозирование , неопределенность , инвестиционные рискиKorneev A. An analysis of dynamics of a change in the electricity intensity of the economy of the country and eastern regions and the forecasting of electricity consumption in the long term // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 01013. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185801013 The paper presents a retrospective analysis of the trends towards changes in the electricity in-tensity of the ...
Теги: economics , forecasting , eastern regions , economic development , electricity intensities , electricity-consumption , retrospective analysis , electric power utilization