Karamov D.N. Mathematical modeling of solar radiation based on open access longmterm meteorological observation data // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.328. No.6. 2017. P.28-37. The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by increasing interest ...
Теги: cloud cover , iqbal model , kasten-czeplak model , meteorological series , renewable energy sources , solar radiation... indices, as well as many other natural and climatic parameters, having a direct connection with systemic tasks in the energy sector. This concept is implemented in the software and computing complex "Local analysis of environmental parameters and solar radiation" using a high-level programming language Matlab. The paper introduces the results of processing multi-year arrays of environmental parameters for 22 settlements located in various natural and climatic zones of the Republic of Yakutia ...
Теги: renewable energy sources , solar radiation , wind energy potential , meteorological series , system research , optimization power of equipment , chronological method , solar-radiation model , rural electrification , renewable energy , power-system , technoeconomic o... methods. The approach introduced was implemented step-by-step on the main provisions of the theory of system and multi-disciplinary studies using the approved mathematical models that allow processing, modeling both actinometric (direct, diffuse, summary solar radiation) and wind energy indicators with a fixed discrete step and binding to the real terrain. The authors use the well-known models of statistical processing of information and generation of random numbers in determining possible emergency failures ...
Теги: autonomous energy systems , chronological method. , distributed generation , forecasting , renewable energy sources , solar radiation , wind energy potential... solar power stations. There are storage batteries in the electric power system. Various types of storage batteries can be used in electric power systems. They are electrochemical, hydroelectric, heat or air storages. The modelling of wind speed and solar radiation is based on software «Local analysis of environmental parameters and solar radiation». The original combination of modern models of meteorological data processing is used in the software. For adequacy analysis of electric power system,...
Теги: data handling , digital storage , electric power supplies to apparatus , electric power systems , meteorology , monte carlo methods , secondary batteries , solar energy , solar radiation , wind , air storage , e