Karamov D.N. FORMATION OF INITIAL METEOROLOGICAL ARRAYS USING LONG-TERM SERIES FM 12 SYNOP AND METAR IN SYSTEM ENERGY STUDIES // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.329. №1. 2018. P.69-88. http://earchive.tpu.ru/bitstream/11683/46114/1/bulletin_tpu-2018-v329-i1-08.pdf The relevance of the work is caused by the lack of a unified concept of taking into account the natural and climatic conditions in system studies in the energy sector. The main aim of the study...
Теги: renewable energy sources , solar radiation , wind energy potential , meteorological series , system research , optimization power of equipment , chronological method , solar-radiation model , rural electrification , renewable energy , power-system , technoeconomic o... Critical Infrastructures of Vietnam // Proc.of the VIth International Workshop 'Critical Infrastructures: Contingency Management, Intelligent, Agent-Based, Cloud Computing and Cyber Security' (IWCI 2019). 2019. P.162-167. DOI: 10.2991/iwci-19.2019.28 Renewable energy sources help increase the energy supply security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Vietnam. Highly variable and stochastic nature of renewable energy sources poses some challenges to study the problem of generation expansion planning ...
Теги: generation expansion planning , renewable energy , long-term energy development , power system , decision supportPopov S.P., Baldynov O.A. Evaluation of energy efficiency of the long distance energy transport systems for renewable energy // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.114. ID: 02003. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911402003 This article describes the systems of long-distance transport of energy from renewable energy sources. A comparative analysis of the energy efficiency ...
Теги: direct current lines , efficiency of energy complexes , energy transport , hydrogen energy , renewable energy , renewable energy resources , comparative analysis , direct current , energy transport systems , long-distance transport , renewable energies , renewable eZbigniew A. Styczynski, Nikolai I. Voropai. Renewable Energy Systems: Fundamentals, Technologies, Techniques and Economics. - Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg, Magdeburg-Irkutsk 2010. - 175 p. This lecture book is a joint project that was prepared by researchers from the Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat ...
Теги: renewable energyMarchenko O.V., Solomin S.V. Modeling of hydrogen and electrical energy storages in wind/PV energy system on the Lake Baikal coast // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol.42. No.15. 2017. P.9361-9370. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.02.076 The paper presents a research on a green power supply system (producing no carbon dioxide and other harmful emissions) in the area of Baikal Lake, for the maximum loads of 10 kW and 100 kW. The system includes photovoltaic converters, wind turbines, batteries...
Теги: carbon-free energy technologies , wind turbines , pv , hydrogen , electric energy storage , hydrogen storage , hybrid pv/wind system , renewable energy , management strategies , size optimization , economic-analysis , power-systems , technologies , methodology , integrIvanova I.Y., Tuguzova T.F., D. Nogovitsyn et al. On Efficiency of Wind Power Use for Power Supply of the Arctic Districts of Yakutia // Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology and Safety. Vol.8. 2014. P.636-641. Efficiency of wind power stations (WPS) for power supply of settlements of the eastern Arctic area of Russia has been assessed in the article on the example of the Allaikhovsky district of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia. Authors consider using of wind power as an...
Теги: renewable energy , wps , decentralized consumer , autonomous energy source , economic efficiency , payback period