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Isolated power system in Russia: A chance for renewable energies?

Lombardi P., Sokolnikova T., Suslov K., Voropai N., Styczynski Z.A. Isolated power system in Russia: A chance for renewable energies? // Renewable Energy. Vol.90. 2016. P.532-541. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2016.01.016 The Russian power system is diversified regionally and consists of one Unified Power System (UPS) and multiple isolated power systems. In the Russian Federation the policy on the use of renewable energies has been one of the most debated topics in recent years. In 2010, the Russian Renewable...

Теги: analytic hierarchy process , electric energy storage , energy resources , natural resources , power supply circuits , uninterruptible power systems , analytic hierarchy process (ahp) , electricity generation
Volterra Models in Load Leveling Problem

Sidorov D., Zhukov A., Foley A., Tynda A., Muftahov I., Panasetsky D., Li Y. Volterra Models in Load Leveling Problem // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.69. ID: 01015. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20186901015 Further growth in renewable energy and planned electrification and decentralization of transport and heating loads in future power systems will result in a more complex unit commitment problem (UCP). This paper proposes an adaptive approach to load leveling problem using novel dynamic models based...

Теги: electric energy storage , electric power transmission networks , energy policy , integral equations , numerical methods , renewable energy resources , adaptive approach , confidence levels , piecewise-continu
Modeling of hydrogen and electrical energy storages in wind/PV energy system on the Lake Baikal coast

... presents a research on a green power supply system (producing no carbon dioxide and other harmful emissions) in the area of Baikal Lake, for the maximum loads of 10 kW and 100 kW. The system includes photovoltaic converters, wind turbines, batteries for electric energy storage and a system for hydrogen production, storage and energy use. Calculations based on the optimization mathematical model demonstrated the efficiency of the combined use of wind and solar energy in the considered areas, as well as ...

Теги: carbon-free energy technologies , wind turbines , pv , hydrogen , electric energy storage , hydrogen storage , hybrid pv/wind system , renewable energy , management strategies , size optimization , economic-analysis , power-systems , technologies , methodology , integr
A new algorithm for isolated electricity supply system control

Suslov K., Gerasimov D., Solodusha S. A new algorithm for isolated electricity supply system control // Proc. of Int. Symposium on Smart Electric Distribution Systems and Technologies (EDST). Vienna, 8-11.09.2015. – Vienna: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, 2015. 08-11 September 2015. P.26-31. ISBN (print): 9781479977. DOI: 10.1109/SEDST.2015.7315177 Many regions in Russia have no centralized electricity supply because of their geographical location. Taking into account variable electricity...

Теги: algorithms , automation , control systems , distributed power generation , dynamical systems , electric energy storage , electric power generation , electric power systems , electric power transmission networ
