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Clean coal technologies for electricity and synthetic liquid fuel production for distributed generation

Tyurina E., Mednikov A., Zharkov P. Clean coal technologies for electricity and synthetic liquid fuel production for distributed generation // Environmental and Climate Technologies. Vol.24. №2. 2020. P.124-135. DOI: 10.2478/rtuect-2020-0060 The paper presents energy technology installations for combined production of methanol and electricity for distributed generation. The technical and economic study is based on mathematical modeling using a system of computer-aided construction of programs and...

Теги: co-production , coal , methanol , modeling , synthetic fuel , coal supply , competitiveness , diesel , electricity generation , fuel consumption
Isolated power system in Russia: A chance for renewable energies?

... recent years. In 2010, the Russian Renewable Energy Program was launched which aims to generate 4.5% of the entire electricity demand from renewable energy sources by 2020. These energy resources can significantly contribute to both the reduction of electricity generation costs in the Isolated Power Systems (IPS) and to the creation of new job opportunities. In this study an innovative methodology for the planning of isolated power systems is presented. The methodology is based on the Analytic Hierarchy ...

Теги: analytic hierarchy process , electric energy storage , energy resources , natural resources , power supply circuits , uninterruptible power systems , analytic hierarchy process (ahp) , electricity generation
The assessment of integration effects accounting the stochasticity of wind and solar power plants generation in the Asian Power Grid

Trofimov L., Trofimov I. The assessment of integration effects accounting the stochasticity of wind and solar power plants generation in the Asian Power Grid // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.139. ID: 01068. 2019. 5 p. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201913901068 Electricity generation by wind and solar power plants (WPP and SPP) is characterized by the uncertainty of the time and generation volumes, and does not correlate with the demand determined by the graph of daily electric load. By using of the ORIRES optimization ...

Теги: electric power plants , integration , solar energy , solar power generation , solar power plants , stochastic models , stochastic systems , electricity generation , model solution , optimization modeling , powe
Анализ функционирования солнечных электростанций в децентрализованной зоне Республики Саха (Якутия)

Иванова И.Ю., Ноговицин Д.Д., Тугузова Т.Ф., Шеина З.М., Сергеева Л.П. Анализ функционирования солнечных электростанций в децентрализованной зоне Республики Саха (Якутия) // Альтернативная энергетика и экология. №10-12. 2018. C.12-22. DOI: 10.15518/isjaee.2018.10-12.012-022 В статье описаны особенности энергоснабжения децентрализованных потребителей северных районов Республики Саха (Якутия). Проведено зонирование территории по показателям суммарной солнечной радиации на горизонтальную поверхность...

Теги: выработка электроэнергии , децентрализованное электроснабжение , electricity generation , гелиоэнергетический потенциал , solar power potential , солнечные электростанции , solar power plants , цена дизельного топлива , diesel fuel price , экономия средств , срок о
Mid-term generation scheduling on the basis of a bi-level optimization problem

... Palamarchuk S. Mid-term generation scheduling on the basis of a bi-level optimization problem // 12th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, EEEIC 2013. P.203-208. ISBN (print): 9781467330. DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2013.6549617 The electricity generation scheduling is an essential problem in the power system operation. The electricity market creates a specific environment for generation scheduling. The problem should take into account strategic behavior of electricity producers,...

Теги: algorithm for solving , bi-level optimization , demand elasticities , electricity generation , electricity producers , generation scheduling , locational marginal prices , power system operations , algorithms
Midterm hydrothermal generation scheduling using nonlinear dynamic programming

... Palamarchuk S. Midterm hydrothermal generation scheduling using nonlinear dynamic programming // Proc. of the Int. conf. IEEE PowerTech 2013. Гренобль France. 16-20 June 2013. 1 p. ISBN (print): 9781467356. DOI: 10.1109/PTC.2013.6652222 The electricity generation scheduling is an essential problem in the power system operation. In a market environment this problem should take into account the strategic behavior of electricity producers, locational marginal prices and consumers' response ...

Теги: bi-level optimization , bi-level optimization models , demand elasticities , dynamic programming techniques , electricity generation , generation scheduling , locational marginal prices , power system operat
