... 2019. P.4724-4732. DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2019.0214 Modern power systems are far from immune from voltage collapse, and examples abound over the past decade. This is due to the fact the current generation of automatic emergency and operational Volt/VAr control systems can be ineffective and unreliable for some cases. The artificial intelligence (AI) techniques allow developing new automatic intelligent Volt/VAr control systems, which will mitigate negative consequences caused by the human factor and ...
Теги: control systems , deep neural networks , man machine systems , multilayer neural networks , current generation , intelligent techniques , learning control systems , multiagent control systems , reactive powerMarinchenko A.Y., Edelev A.V. A formation of the heat pump mathematical models // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol.2638. 2020. P.191-200. DOI: 10.47350/ICCS-DE.2020.18 The paper addresses the mathematical modeling heat pump main elements and heat pump based heat supply systems. It is used in the calculating expected heat supply costs on the basis of a heat supply system functioning simulation. Using these models, the current state of the heat pump NT-60-1 located in the Baikal Museum of the Scientific...
Теги: control systems , pumps , heat pump efficiency , heat pumps , heat supply , heat supply systems , russian academy of sciences , scientific center , heat pump systems... taking into account cybersecurity threats // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.139. ID: 01029. 2019. 5 p. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201913901029 Cyber threats pose an increasing threat to energy objects. It is essential to ensure the cybersecurity of automatic control systems, such as relay protection devices (RP), devices of regime control (RC) and emergency control (EC), automated control systems. At the same time, the issues of cybersecurity include not only the problem of hacker attacks, but also the whole ...
Теги: automation , control systems , electric power system protection , personal computing , power generation , relay protection , automated control systems , cyber security , emergency control , hacker attacks , metBarakhtenko E.A., Sokolov D.V., Edelev A.V., Gorsky S.A. Research on the resilience of the intelligent integrated energy systems // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol.2430. 2019. P.6-14. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2430/paper1.pdf The paper addresses the research of intelligent integrated energy systems resilience that is the system ability to withstand large disturbances and prevent their cascade development with massive energy shortage. The scheme of intelligent integrated energy systems resilience research...
Теги: control systems , energy shortages , energy systems , integrated energy systems , large disturbance , distributed computer systemsEdelev A.V., Karamov D.N., Sidorov I.A., Binh D.V., Nam N.H., Anh N.H., Duy P.V., Hanh P.T. Modelling energy systems of Vietnam with integration of renewable power sources // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol.2430. 2019. P.42-50. The paper addresses the research of the large-scale penetration of renewable energy into the power system of Vietnam. The proposed approach presents the optimization of operational decisions in different power generation technologies as a Markov decision process. It uses a...
Теги: control systems , distributed computer systems , markov processes , reinforcement learning , renewable energy resources , stochastic systems , market condition , markov decision processes , operational decisiSolodusha S., Suslov K., Gerasimov D. Applicability of Volterra integral polynomials in the control systems of electric power facilities // Proceedings of 2016 International Conference "Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems" (Pyatnitskiy's Conference), STAB 2016. 1 p. ISBN (print): 9 781 467 . DOI: 10.1109/STAB....
Теги: automation , control system stability , control systems , differential equations , nonlinear control systems , nonlinear equations , system stability , wind turbines , dynamic characteristics , electric powerSuslov K., Solodusha S., Gerasimov D. Determination of parameters of adaptive law for the control of an off-grid power system // SMARTGREENS 2016 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems. 2016. P.129-135. ISBN (print): 9 789 897 . The paper presents the results of a study of an off-grid electric power system that contains typical generation and load devices. The aim of the study is to develop an algorithm for selecting the optimal parameters of adaptive...
Теги: adaptive control systems , control systems , control theory , distributed power generation , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , power quality , quality control , smart power gridsSuslov K., Solodusha S., Gerasimov D. Integral models for control of smart power networks // IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol.49. No.27. 2016. P.439-444. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.772 The presence of a great number of technical facilities that form a base of the intelligent network in the modern electric power systems require a principally new approach to the research into the dynamic operating conditions of these systems. Currently consumers impose higher requirements for the quality of electricity and...
Теги: control systems , distributed power generation , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , power control , power quality , quality control , smart power grids , emergency conditions , inpSuslov K., Gerasimov D., Solodusha S. A new algorithm for isolated electricity supply system control // Proc. of Int. Symposium on Smart Electric Distribution Systems and Technologies (EDST). Vienna, 8-11.09.2015. – Vienna: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, 2015. 08-11 September 2015. P.26-31. ISBN (print): 9781479977. DOI: 10.1109/SEDST.2015.7315177 Many regions in Russia have no centralized electricity supply because of their geographical location. Taking into account variable electricity...
Теги: algorithms , automation , control systems , distributed power generation , dynamical systems , electric energy storage , electric power generation , electric power systems , electric power transmission networ