Voropai NI, Golub II, Efimov DN, Iskakov AB, Yadykin IB Spectral and Modal Methods for Studying Stability and Control of Electric Power Systems // Automation and Remote Control. Vol.81. No.10. 2020. P.1751-1774. DOI: 10.1134/S000511792010001X The paper provides an overview of spectral and modal analysis methods for studying the stability of electric power systems (EPSs) and their control. Consideration is given to theoretical grounds of the methods and to the experience of their application for...
Теги: control , electric power systems , modal analysis , model order reduction , spectral analysis , stability assessment , sub-gramians , control system stability , electric power system control , stability , analysis method , control actions , gramians , modal method , smSolodusha S., Suslov K., Gerasimov D. Applicability of Volterra integral polynomials in the control systems of electric power facilities // Proceedings of 2016 International Conference "Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems" (Pyatnitskiy's Conference), STAB 2016. 1 p. ISBN (print): 9 781 467 . DOI: 10.1109/STAB.2016.7541227 The paper presents an approach to the construction of a system for automatic control of nonlinear dynamic objects on the basis of Volterra polynomials...
Теги: automation , control system stability , control systems , differential equations , nonlinear control systems , nonlinear equations , system stability , wind turbines , dynamic characteristics , electric power