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Spectral and Modal Methods for Studying Stability and Control of Electric Power Systems

... experience of their application for detecting the heterogeneity of the systems' structure, identifying the coherency of generators' motion, simplifying the mathematical model of the dynamics of EPSs, assessing their small-signal stability, and selecting the control actions to ensure it. The analysis of sub-Gramians for studying the EPS stability and other new directions in the development of the modal approach are discussed. входит Статья в журнале

Теги: control , electric power systems , modal analysis , model order reduction , spectral analysis , stability assessment , sub-gramians , control system stability , electric power system control , stability , analysis method , control actions , gramians , modal method , sm
Assessment of risks due to cyberattacks on information and communication infrastructure of cyber-physical system in the electric power system control

... software factors, which increase the automated dispatching control system vulnerability to cyberattacks. The study shows the influence of unforeseen cyber-incidents in the information and communication infrastructure on electric power systems through false control actions on their physical part. The effectiveness of the developed risk assessment approach is demonstrated by its performance under uncertainty. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019. нет

Теги: cyber physical system , data communication systems , embedded systems , power control , risk assessment , scada systems , assessment approaches , control actions , cyber-attacks , dispatching controls , hardwar
Analysis and synthesis of regime controllability of heat supply systems

... Web of Conferences. Vol.212. ID: 02001. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201821202001 A mathematical model of the heat and hydraulic regimes (HHR) of the heat supply system (HPS) is given in time, taking into account the transport delay, disturbing, and control actions. Based on the simulation of the HHR, the indicators of consumer security integrated over the billing period were developed. The analysis of heat deficit indicators allows us to adopt a decision on the placement of additional control units ...

Теги: additional control , analysis and synthesis , consumer security , control actions , heat supply systems , hydraulic regimes , intermediate stage , transport delay , investments
Actions generation for online power system control

... power system control // Proc. of Int. Conf. IEEE Power Tech 29 June - 2 July, 2015, Eindhoven, Netherlands. 29 June-02 July 2015. 1 p. ISBN (print): 9781479976. DOI: 10.1109/PTC.2015.7232366 The research addresses a problem of online generation of control actions for electric power system dispatch control. The problem is solved using an unconventional approach to the state estimation. © 2015 IEEE. входит

Теги: electric power systems , measurements , power control , state estimation , control actions , electric power , on-line generation , power system controls , total transfer capability , unconventional approaches
