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Methodology for optimization of component reliability of heat supply systems

Postnikov I.V., Stennikov V.A., Mednikova E.E., Penkovsky A.V. Methodology for optimization of component reliability of heat supply systems // Applied Energy. In press. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.11.073 The paper suggests a methodology to determine optimal reliability parameters (failure and restoration rates) of heat supply system components, which provide the required level of heat supply reliability. The methodological approach consists in the economically rational distribution of the...

Теги: component reliability , failure and restoration rates , heat supply system , markov random process , nodal reliability indices , reliability optimization , failure analysis , heat storage , heat transfer , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , iterative method
Optimization of reliability parameters structure for district heating systems

Postnikov I.V. Optimization of reliability parameters structure for district heating systems // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.39. ID: 02002. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201839012002 The problem of reliability parameters distribution on the district heating system's scheme is considered. This is one of important part of the general problem of optimal synthesis of district heating systems and is urgent for both the systems under design and the existing insufficiently reliable systems. The concept of...

Теги: component reliability , district heating system , failure and restoration rates , markov random process , nodal reliability indices , reliability optimization , district heating , heat storage , heating equipment , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , pipelin
Optimization of adequacy of electric power systems in market conditions

Aizenberg N., Perzhabinskii S. Optimization of adequacy of electric power systems in market conditions // Proceedings - 2017 International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, SIBIRCON 2017. ID: 8109828. P.13-17. ISBN (print): 9781538615966. DOI: 10.1109/SIBIRCON.2017.8109828 We suggest a new approach to optimization of the reliability of electric power system under market conditions, which involve confrontation of various interests of market participants. This feature...

Теги: adequacy analysis , development of energy system , electric power system , electricity market , reliability optimization , commerce , electric power systems , monte carlo methods , power markets , reliability , reliability analysis , energy systems , generating compa
A Methodology for Optimziation of Component Reliability of Heat Supply Systems

Postnikov I.V., Stennikov V.A., Mednikova E.E., Penkovskii A.V. A Methodology for Optimziation of Component Reliability of Heat Supply Systems // Energy Procedia. Vol.105. 2017. P.3083-3088. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.643 The paper suggests a methodology to determine optimal reliability parameters (failure and restoration rates) of heat supply system components, which provide the required level of heat supply reliability. The methodological approach consists in the economically rational distribution...

Теги: heat supply system , reliability optimization , nodal reliability indices , component reliability , failure and restoration rates , markov random process , failure analysis , heat storage , heat transfer , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , iterative method
