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algorithms analysis bi-level programming boilers calculation scheme calculations circuit simulation circuit theory client-server architectures co commerce complex networks complex problems component reliability computation theory computational experiment computational procedures computer operating systems computer simulation computer software construction equipment control cost effectiveness cost effectiveness analysis costs data handling design problems distributed heat sources distributed software district energy syst district heating district heating system economic characteristics electric power transmission networks energy efficiency energy resources engin environmental impact failure analysis failure and restoration rates fire extinguishers flux-di fuels heat energy market heat prosumer heat storage heat supply heat supply system heat supply systems heat transfer heat-supply system heating heating equipment hierarchical systems hydraulic calculations hydraulic circ hydraulic circuits hydraulic equipment hydraulic machinery hydraulic models hydraulic stability hydraulic structures identification (control systems) industrial organization investments iterative method iterative methods joint operations load distributions markov random process mathematical formulation mathematical modeling mathematical models mathematical statement method methodical approach methodological approach multilevel model multilevel modeling multilevels network configuration nodal reliability indices object oriented programming operating condition optim optimal development optimal distri optimal operati optimal operating optimal systems optimizati optimizatio optimization optimization methods phase transitions pipelin pipelines piping systems pollution problem solving procedure proven reserves random processes rec reliability reliability ensuring reliability optimization single heat supplier smart power grids software system solar buildings solar heating statistical mechanics students th thermal-hydraulic calculations thermodynamics timin timing circuits water management water pipelines water supply systems


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Methodology for optimization of component reliability of heat supply systems

Postnikov I.V., Stennikov V.A., Mednikova E.E., Penkovsky A.V. Methodology for optimization of component reliability of heat supply systems // Applied Energy. In press. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.11.073 The paper suggests a methodology to determine optimal reliability parameters (failure and restoration rates) of heat supply system components, which provide the required level of heat supply reliability. The methodological approach consists in the economically rational distribution of the...

Теги: component reliability , failure and restoration rates , heat supply system , markov random process , nodal reliability indices , reliability optimization , failure analysis , heat storage , heat transfer , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , iterative method
Mathematical model for calculation of the heat-hydraulic modes of heating points of heat-supplying systems

Shalaginova Z.I. Mathematical model for calculation of the heat-hydraulic modes of heating points of heat-supplying systems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.63. No.3. 2016. P.222-232. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601516020075 http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0040601516020075 The mathematical model and calculation method of the thermal-hydraulic modes of heat points, based on the theory of hydraulic circuits, being developed at the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute are presented. The redundant circuit of...

Теги: calculations , complex networks , computer software , data handling , heating , heating equipment , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , hydraulic models , hydraulic structures , mathematical models , rec
Mathematical Modeling of the Heat Energy Market on a Single Heat Supplier Basis

Penkovskii A.V., Stennikov V.A. Mathematical Modeling of the Heat Energy Market on a Single Heat Supplier Basis // Thermal Engineering . Vol.65. No.7. 2018. P.443-452. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601518070078 Organizational models of the heat energy market on a Single Heat Supplier basis (SHS) operating in free (liberalized) and regulated tariff environments are considered. An equilibrium mathematical model is proposed for the liberalized tariff setting conditions based on a microeconomic monopolistic market...

Теги: heat energy market , heat supply , mathematical modeling , optimization , single heat supplier , circuit theory , commerce , costs , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , iterative methods , mathematical models , solar buildings , economic characteristics , engin
Use of multilevel modeling for determining optimal parameters of heat supply systems

Stennikov V.A., Barakhtenko E.A., Sokolov D.V. Use of multilevel modeling for determining optimal parameters of heat supply systems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.64. No.7. 2017. P.518-525. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601517070096 The problem of finding optimal parameters of a heat-supply system (HSS) is in ensuring the required throughput capacity of a heat network by determining pipeline diameters and characteristics and location of pumping stations. Effective methods for solving this problem, i.e., the method...

Теги: algorithms , heat-supply system , multilevel modeling , optimization methods , procedure , software system , circuit theory , complex networks , computer software , construction equipment , hierarchical systems , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , optimizatio
Modeling of a prosumer in optimal design energy systems problem

Barakhtenko E., Sokolov D., Tashlykova V. Modeling of a prosumer in optimal design energy systems problem // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 02001. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910202001 The conversion of existing energy systems to intelligent integrated energy systems can happen only if economic benefits due to introduction of the intelligent integrated energy systems will exceed required level of investments. Thus, it is necessary for every optimal design energy systems problem according...

Теги: boilers , cost effectiveness , energy efficiency , energy resources , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , optimal systems , pipelines , solar heating , cost effectiveness analysis , district energy syst
Methods of redundant schemes and software for optimization of heat source structure

Edeleva O.A., Barakhtenko E.A., Sokolov D.V. Methods of redundant schemes and software for optimization of heat source structure // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 02003. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910202003 The optimization of heat sources in populated areas is associated with the optimization of their structure. The optimization problem is of linear discrete nature and is hard to formalize [1]. The aim of the optimization is to identify the types, sites and mix of equipment of the heat...

Теги: environmental impact , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , pipelines , load distributions , mathematical formulation , methodological approach , network configuration , optimal development , optimizati
Prosumer in the district heating systems: Operating and reliability modeling

Postnikov I., Stennikov V., Penkovskii A. Prosumer in the district heating systems: Operating and reliability modeling // Energy Procedia. Vol.158. 2019. P.2530-2535. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.411 The paper considers two problem in the framework of researches the prosumers in district heating systems. The first problem is the load distribution in the district heating systems with prosumers. The research suggests a bi-level model for solving this problem to determine an optimal balance between...

Теги: bi-level programming , district heating system , heat prosumer , nodal reliability indices , optimal operating , reliability ensuring , district heating , heating equipment , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , random processes , reliability , optimal operati
Optimization of the reliability of heat supply with an active consumer

Postnikov I., Penkovsky A. Optimization of the reliability of heat supply with an active consumer // MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol.212. ID: 02004. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201821202004 The paper formulates the problem of ensuring the reliability of the heat supply system due to the optimal distribution of reliability parameters in the system, including taking into account capabilities of an active consumer to replace part of the load with own sources of thermal energy. Methods and models for...

Теги: computation theory , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , investments , random processes , reliability , computational experiment , heat supply , heat supply systems , hydraulic circuits , optimal distri
Conventional Hydraulic Circuits in an Analysis of Environmental Issues

Kaganovich B.M., Stennikov V.A., Zarodnyuk M.S., Yakshin S.V. Conventional Hydraulic Circuits in an Analysis of Environmental Issues // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.69. ID: 02003. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20186902003 The paper addresses the problems of conventional circuit modeling in an analysis of anthropogenic pollution of nature. A joint use of two types of models is proposed: 1) a model of conventional hydraulic circuits and 2) a model of extreme intermediate states developed by Melentiev...

Теги: circuit simulation , electric power transmission networks , fuels , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , phase transitions , pollution , smart power grids , statistical mechanics , thermodynamics , timin
Modelling hydraulic regimes of pipeline systems using the theory of hydraulic circuits in the Internet

Mikhailovsky Y. Modelling hydraulic regimes of pipeline systems using the theory of hydraulic circuits in the Internet // MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol.212. ID: 06006. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201821206006 Along with a brief description of the main problems of pipeline systems (water, gas, heat, fire extinguishing), it is claimed that the energy and resource saving reserves available here can, to a large extent, be implemented through the rational organization of hydraulic operating modes using...

Теги: computation theory , computer operating systems , fire extinguishers , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , pipelines , piping systems , proven reserves , students , timing circuits , water pipelines , co
