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active identification analysis automation bi-level programming biomass calculation method calculations circuit theory classical model coal commerce competition complex networks computer simulation computer software computing system control control engineering control parameters control stage cost of electricity costs data handling differential nodal prices district heating district heating system dual estimates economic characteristics economic criteria effect of temperature effectiveness efficiency electric power distribution electric power networks electric power sy electrical links element failure energy conservation energy transfer engin entrained flow entrained flow gasifiers flux-di fuel compositions gasification gasification process global solutions gradient methods heat energy market heat losses heat networks heat sources heat supply heat supply networks heat supply system heat supply systems heat transfer heating heating equipment heating pricing hydraulic calculations hydraulic equipment hydraulic machinery hydraulic models hydraulic structures i identification (control systems) instrument optimization international electrical links and interconnections iterative methods market equilibria market equilibrium mathematical modeling mathematical models measurement instruments methodology monopoly district heating market monopoly m mul multilevel model network reliability nickel alloys nonlinear equations nonlinear optimization nonlinear programming northeast asia nuclear energy optimal development optimal planning optimization optimization task pipe-line systems piping systems planning planning of test modes power interconnections power links problem statement process prosumer pumping stations real systems rec regulation reliability reliability calculation reliability index single heat supplier solar buildings specific plant investments supercritical power plants superheater system study temperature test result processing thermal energy rates thermohydraulic regimes thermohydraulic tests thermohydraullic regime model throttling topological methods topology uncertainty analysis water management water pipelines water supply systems


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Influence of Coal-Biomass Fuel Composition on the Efficiency of its Conversion in Entrained-Flow Gasifiers

Donskoy I.G. Influence of Coal-Biomass Fuel Composition on the Efficiency of its Conversion in Entrained-Flow Gasifiers // Solid Fuel Chemistry. Vol.53. No.2. 2019. P.113-119. DOI: 10.3103/S0361521919020046 Abstract: Co-gasification process of coal and plant biomass mixtures in entrained flow of oxygen and steam was investigated using mathematical modelling. The calculated dependences of the process characteristics on the control parameters (such as fuel composition, gasification agent composition...

Теги: biomass , coal , entrained flow , gasification , mathematical modeling , efficiency , mathematical models , temperature , control parameters , effect of temperature , entrained flow gasifiers , fuel compositions , gasification process , process
The pricing methods on the monopoly district heating market

Stennikov V., Penkovskii A. The pricing methods on the monopoly district heating market // Energy Reports. Vol.6. No.2. 2020. P.187-193. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.11.061 District heating plays an important role in many countries with cold climates. District heating are local systems and in most cases, they organized as natural monopoly markets. This article examines the three variants for the formation of prices for household consumers on monopoly district heating market: market equilibrium of supply...

Теги: heat supply system , heating pricing , market equilibrium , mathematical modeling , monopoly district heating market , regulation , commerce , competition , district heating , mathematical models , classical model , heat supply systems , market equilibria , monopoly m
Bi-level modeling of district heating systems with prosumers

Penkovskii A., Stennikov V., Kravets A. Bi-level modeling of district heating systems with prosumers // Energy Reports. Vol.6. No.2. 2020. P.89-95. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.11.046 The paper deals with the actual problem of the functioning and development of district heating systems in the framework of the transition to intelligent energy, in which the active consumers (prosumers) holds the key place. The paper proposes an optimization mathematical model for management the operation of district heating...

Теги: bi-level programming , district heating system , heat sources , mathematical modeling , optimal development , optimization , prosumer , heating equipment , mathematical models , district heating
Mathematical model for calculation of the heat-hydraulic modes of heating points of heat-supplying systems

Shalaginova Z.I. Mathematical model for calculation of the heat-hydraulic modes of heating points of heat-supplying systems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.63. No.3. 2016. P.222-232. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601516020075 http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0040601516020075 The mathematical model and calculation method of the thermal-hydraulic modes of heat points, based on the theory of hydraulic circuits, being developed at the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute are presented. The redundant circuit of...

Теги: calculations , complex networks , computer software , data handling , heating , heating equipment , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , hydraulic models , hydraulic structures , mathematical models , rec
Technique of multilevel adjustment calculation of the heat-hydraulic mode of the major heat supply systems with the intermediate control stages

Tokarev V.V., Shalaginova Z.I. Technique of multilevel adjustment calculation of the heat-hydraulic mode of the major heat supply systems with the intermediate control stages // Thermal Engineering . Vol.63. No.1. 2016. P.68-77. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601516010110 http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1134%2FS0040601516010110 A new technique for heat-hydraulic calculation to organize the normal operating modes of the heat supply systems intended to decide the tasks of planning and mode selecting, which ensures...

Теги: computer software , mathematical models , nuclear energy , computing system , control stage , heat supply systems , hydraulic calculations , multilevel model , optimization task , pumping stations , throttling
Investigation of Active Identification Methods for Thermohydraulic Testing of Heat Networks

Novitskii N.N., Grebneva O.A., Tokarev V.V. Investigation of Active Identification Methods for Thermohydraulic Testing of Heat Networks // Thermal Engineering . Vol.65. No.7. 2018. P.453-461. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601518070066 Considerable uncertainty of the information about actual characteristics and parameters is the key factor restricting the effective use of mathematical modeling and computer simulation methods in solving problems of optimal retrofitting, commissioning, development of operating...

Теги: active identification , heat networks , instrument optimization , mathematical modeling , planning of test modes , test result processing , thermohydraulic tests , thermohydraullic regime model , heat losses , mathematical models , planning , uncertainty analysis , i
Mathematical Modeling of the Heat Energy Market on a Single Heat Supplier Basis

... at the level of average total costs and on the demand basis for industrial consumers. Hydraulic circuit theory models and methods, as well as basic microeconomic provisions, are adopted as a scientific and methodological basis describing the proposed mathematical models. To solve the energy supply and demand equilibrium problem, an algorithm is developed for both energy tariff options based on univariate relaxation using redundant design schemes and simple iteration. The developed mathematical models ...

Теги: heat energy market , heat supply , mathematical modeling , optimization , single heat supplier , circuit theory , commerce , costs , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , iterative methods , mathematical models , solar buildings , economic characteristics , engin
The Development of a Method for Calculating the Nodal Prices of the Thermal Energy by Modeling the Thermal and Hydraulic Regimes of the Heat Supply Systems for Solving Control and Optimization Problems

Shalaginova Z.I. The Development of a Method for Calculating the Nodal Prices of the Thermal Energy by Modeling the Thermal and Hydraulic Regimes of the Heat Supply Systems for Solving Control and Optimization Problems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.65. No.10. 2018. P.756-767. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601518100075 The article deals with the issues of energy saving and increasing the efficiency of thermal energy. Energy saving issues are inextricably linked to the cost of heat for consumers. The costs of...

Теги: calculation method , differential nodal prices , heat supply networks , heat supply systems , mathematical modeling , thermal energy rates , thermohydraulic regimes , energy conservation , energy transfer , heat transfer , hydraulic models , mathematical models , mul
Justification of Effectiveness of International Power Interconnections with Separation of Effects between Participants

Podkoval’nikov S.V., Savel’ev V.A., Khamisov O.V., Chudinova L.Y. Justification of Effectiveness of International Power Interconnections with Separation of Effects between Participants // Automation and Remote Control. Vol.79. No.10. 2018. P.1756-1766. DOI: 10.1134/S0005117918100028 We consider the methodology and describe the tools needed for a system study of the effectiveness of the development of international power links and the interconnections that are formed as a result, in particular from...

Теги: dual estimates , effectiveness , international electrical links and interconnections , mathematical models , methodology , automation , control engineering , electrical links , northeast asia , power interconnections , power links , system study , electric power sy
Parametric optimization of supercritical power plants using gradient methods

Kler A.M., Zharkov P.V., Epishkin N.O. Parametric optimization of supercritical power plants using gradient methods // Energy. ID: 116230. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2019.116230 Gradient nonlinear optimization methods are among the most effective approaches to determine the optimal parameters of thermal power plants. These methods allow us to consistently optimize a large number of thermodynamic and design parameters and mass flow rates of actuation fluids and of heat-transfer fluids. This paper...

Теги: cost of electricity , gradient methods , mathematical modeling , nonlinear optimization , specific plant investments , supercritical power plants , costs , heat transfer , mathematical models , nickel alloys , nonlinear equations , nonlinear programming , superheater
