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Process Simulation of the Co-Gasification of Wood and Polymeric Materials in a Fixed Bed

... work, the effect of control parameters on the efficiency of the co-gasification of biomass (wood) and waste polymers in a dense layer was investigated. For this purpose, a mathematical model, which included blocks for describing drying, pyrolysis, and gasification processes for each particular component of a fuel mixture, was developed. The results of the calculation were compared with published data. © 2018, Allerton Press, Inc. входит Статья в журнале

Теги: gasification , mathematical simulation , polymeric wastes , wood , control parameters , energy processing , gasification process , mathematical simulations , polymeric waste , process simulations , thermal conversion , waste processing , polymers
Influence of Coal-Biomass Fuel Composition on the Efficiency of its Conversion in Entrained-Flow Gasifiers

Donskoy I.G. Influence of Coal-Biomass Fuel Composition on the Efficiency of its Conversion in Entrained-Flow Gasifiers // Solid Fuel Chemistry. Vol.53. No.2. 2019. P.113-119. DOI: 10.3103/S0361521919020046 Abstract: Co-gasification process of coal and plant biomass mixtures in entrained flow of oxygen and steam was investigated using mathematical modelling. The calculated dependences of the process characteristics on the control parameters (such as fuel composition,...

Теги: biomass , coal , entrained flow , gasification , mathematical modeling , efficiency , mathematical models , temperature , control parameters , effect of temperature , entrained flow gasifiers , fuel compositions , gasification process , process
Development of method for determination of the kinetics constants of coal char gasification in pore diffusion regimes

... of CO2, using a new method of processing kinetic curves, to obtain updated values of the kinetic constants under conditions where widely used models are inappropriate. Data obtained can be used for a reliable assessment of the characteristics of the gasification process. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. нет

Теги: gasification , rate constants , thermogravimetric analysis , carbon conversions , diffusion controlled , gasification process , heterogeneous reactions , kinetic constant , kinetic curves , method of processin
Numerical study on the efficiency of biomass and municipal waste fixed-bed co-gasification

... co-conversion with woody biomass using mathematical model that allows to investigate process characteristics under different process conditions (air stoichiometric ratio, fuel mixture composition, initial moisture of sewage sludge). Dependencies of gasification process characteristics are evaluated and compared with published experimental data. Fixed-bed downdraft process is investigated related to using of wood and sewage sludge mixtures. New results are obtained considering process efficiency ...

Теги: estimation , fuels , mixtures , sewage sludge , efficiency requirements , energy productions , fixed bed downdrafts , fuel-mixture compositions , gasification process , process characteristics , process efficie
Verification of the stage scheme of low-grade solid fuel gasification

... fuel gasification // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1128. No.1. ID: 012071. 2018. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1128/1/012071 This paper considers development of the model of wood pyrolysis in a screw reactor as the first stage of the multistage gasification process. To prevent clinkering of particles and thermal inhomogeneities, screw-type transportation is used to transport fuel. In order to describe kinetics of pyrolysis and transport of volatiles within the wood particles and their transition ...

Теги: fuels , gasification , hydrodynamics , pyrolysis , thermoanalysis , comsol multiphysics , gasification process , inhomogeneities , kinetics of pyrolysis , operating parameters , pyrolysis process , transport fue
Modelling of porous biomass pyrolysis in screw reactor

... reactor // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.899. No.9. ID: 092008. 2017. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/899/9/092008 This paper is concerned with the development of a model of wood pyrolysis in a screw reactor as the first stage of the multistage gasification process. To prevent clinkering of particles and thermal inhomogeneities, screw-type transportation is used to transport fuel. In order to describe kinetics of pyrolysis and transport of volatiles within the wood particles and their transition ...

Теги: fluid dynamics , heat transfer , hydrodynamics , screws , thermoanalysis , biomass pyrolysis , comsol multiphysics , gasification process , inhomogeneities , kinetics of pyrolysis , operating parameters , pyroly
CFD-Modeling of the Multistage Gasifier Capacity of 30 KW

Levin A.A., Kozlov A.N., Svishchev D.A., Donskoy I.G. CFD-Modeling of the Multistage Gasifier Capacity of 30 KW // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.891. No.1. ID: 012229. 2017. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/891/1/012229 Single-stage fuel gasification processes have been developed and widely studied in Russia and abroad throughout the 20th century. They are fundamental to the creation and design of modern gas generator equipment. Many studies have shown that single-stage gasification process,...

Теги: charcoal , fuels , gases , gasification , pyrolysis , tar , thermoanalysis , wood products , detailed kinetics , fuel gasification , gasification process , gasification technologies , simultaneous thermal analysi
