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Thermochemical interaction of wood and polyethylene during co-oxidation in the conditions of thermogravimetric analysis

... in the conditions of thermogravimetric analysis // Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11144-020-01880-y In this work, using the methods of thermal analysis, we investigated the features of the oxidative decomposition of mixtures of polyethylene and sawdust (in different mass ratios). The results show that during the mixtures decomposition, the effects of interaction between wood and polyethylene are observed, which, apparently, are associated with the chain nature of ...

Теги: combustion , mass spectrometry , polyethylene , pyrolysis , tga , wood , aliphatic compounds , calorimetry , mixtures , oxidation , polyethylenes , thermoanalysis , decomposition products , hydrocarbon chains , mass spectrometric analysis , oxidation reactions , o
Hydraulic and gas-dynamic models of a steam-water mixture flow in a granular bed

Tairov E.A., Khan P.V. Hydraulic and gas-dynamic models of a steam-water mixture flow in a granular bed // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1382. No.1. ID: 012101. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1382/1/012101 The paper presents a comparative analysis of the hydraulic and gas-dynamic models of a steam-water mixture flow through a granular bed. The analysis is carried out using experimental data obtained at an inlet pressure of 0.6 - 15.5 MPa, flow quality of 0.002 - 0.3, and mass velocity...

Теги: gas dynamics , hydraulic models , mixtures , packed beds , petroleum refining , quality control , steam , analytical integration , comparative analysis , constitutive relations , granular beds , inlet pressures
Numerical study on the efficiency of biomass and municipal waste fixed-bed co-gasification

... composition, initial moisture of sewage sludge). Dependencies of gasification process characteristics are evaluated and compared with published experimental data. Fixed-bed downdraft process is investigated related to using of wood and sewage sludge mixtures. New results are obtained considering process efficiency dependence on input fuel composition, method is proposed to estimate acceptable fuel mixtures based on agglomeration and efficiency requirements. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences....

Теги: estimation , fuels , mixtures , sewage sludge , efficiency requirements , energy productions , fixed bed downdrafts , fuel-mixture compositions , gasification process , process characteristics , process efficie
Modeling non-linear load currents by mixture distribution separation

Kovernikova L.I., Van C.L., Fedchishin V.V. Modeling non-linear load currents by mixture distribution separation // Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing, ICIEAM 2018. ID: 8728851. ISBN (print): 9781538643075. DOI: 10.1109/ICIEAM.2018.8728851 The paper presents an algorithm for modeling the harmonic currents of non-linear loads. Non-linear load models are necessary to plan the non-sinusoidal states in power networks to control the power...

Теги: electric power quality , harmonic parameter analysis , measurements , non-linear load modeling , stochastic process , distribution functions , electric load management , harmonic analysis , measurement , mixtures , power quality , quality control , random processes
Numerical and Analytical Approaches to Modeling Critical Two-Phase Flow with Granular Layer

Pokusaev B.G., Tairov E.A., Khan P.V., Khramtsov D.P. Numerical and Analytical Approaches to Modeling Critical Two-Phase Flow with Granular Layer // Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. Vol.27. No.1. 2018. P.20-29. DOI: 10.1134/S1810232818010022 Based on data obtained in the previous experimental study conducted by the authors, two approaches are proposed for analytical and numerical modeling of a critical two-phase flow in a pipe with a granular layer. An analytical approach is based on a polytrophic...

Теги: analytical models , gas dynamics , hydrodynamics , mixtures , numerical methods , numerical models , analytical and numerical models , analytical approach , critical two-phase flows , expansion process , numeri
A polytropic model of a critical two-phase flow in a bed of spherical particles

Tairov E., Khan P. A polytropic model of a critical two-phase flow in a bed of spherical particles // MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol.115. 2017. 4 p. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201711505007 https://www.matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/pdf/2017/29/matecconf_sts2017_05007.pdf The paper is concerned with a model of isenthalpic flow of vapor-water mixture in a fixed bed of solid particles. The mixture expansion process is considered to be polytropic. Similarly to the known problem of gas dynamics...

Теги: mixtures , critical mass , critical two-phase flows , expansion process , granular beds , polytropic model , solid particles , spherical particle , theoretical modeling , packed beds
