... measurement points and a narrow range where the operating conditions can be varied. The paper presents a unique formalization of the problems of testing heat networks for hydraulic and heat losses as problems of active identification assuming optimal planning and processing of the test results with the use of a mathematical model of steady-state thermohydraulic regimes. A description of the model, a substantiation of selection of test optimality criteria, mathematical formulations of problems for ...
Теги: active identification , heat networks , instrument optimization , mathematical modeling , planning of test modes , test result processing , thermohydraulic tests , thermohydraullic regime model , heat losses , mathematical models , planning , uncertainty analysis , i... implementation lead to unjustified expenses, low efficiency, and ecological inconsistency. This proves the relevance of solving the problems of dividing an urban territory into zones of centralized heating (CH) and decentralized heating (DCH) along with their planning and justification, as well as determining a reasonable level of heat supply centralization and concentration of heat sources' power capacity. Solving these problems using the suggested method will allow optimizing the application areas for various ...
Теги: efficiency , energy efficiency , hydraulic equipment , planning , thermal load , urban growth , zoning , centralization levels , decentralized heating , energy efficient technology , heat load density , heat supПодковальников С.В., Чудинова Л.Ю. Сотрудничество России и Монголии в электроэнергетической сфере с учетом перспектив электроэнергетической интеграции в СВА // Энергетическое сотрудничество России и Монголии: современное состояние, взгляд в будущее / Под ред. докт. техн. наук, проф. Б.Г Санеева и докт. техн. наук, проф., акад. АНМ С. Батмунха. ИСЭМ СО РАН. 2021. C.94-103. Глава в монографии
Теги: electric power system interconnection , expansion , fossil fuel power plants , planning , sustainable development , co2 emissions , economic incentive , generation capacity , non-fossil fuels , northeast asiaTrofimov L.N., Trofimov I.L. Optimization of Capacities of Wind and Solar Power Plants in the Interstate Power Grid in North-East Asia Taking into Account the Intermittence of Their Power Output // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.209. ID: 04005. 2020. P.343-347. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202020904005 The paper considers the problems of optimization of wind and solar power plants (WPP and SPP) expansion and it operating modes in the prospective interstate power grid (ISPG) in Northeast Asia, taking into account...
Теги: electric loads , electric power transmission networks , fossil fuel power plants , fossil fuels , planning , sustainable development , additional experiments , electrical load , environmental restriction , insTrofimov I.L., Trofimov L.N. Developing a New Software Tool for Research of Interstate Power Grids Expansion // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.209. ID: 04004. 2020. P.337-342. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202020904004 The aim of our research is to develop a new software tool-the Computing and Geo-information System for study of prospective interstate power grids expansion. The new software tool developed by the authors consists of several functional parts (software modules): Graphic module for visual analysis...
Теги: computer software , expansion , planning , sustainable development , functional parts , geo-information , graphic module , operating modes , power grids , software modules , systems expansion , visual analysisБеляев Л.С. Достижения и ошибки советской политэкономии // Свободная мысль. №1. 2016. C.75-82. На основе анализа развития экономики СССР показано, что фундаментальной причиной ее кризиса явились ошибки, допущенные при разработке экономической теории социализма. Особое внимание уделено оценке и оплате сложного и разнообразного труда, учету затрат труда и ценообразованию, включая реализацию «труда для общества». Продемонстрирована ошибочность внедрения разновидности хозрасчета предприятий, основанной...
Теги: политическая экономия , political economics , экономические законы и противоречия , economic laws and contradictions , затраты труда , labor expenditure , планирование , planning , ценообразование , pricing