Apartsin A.S., Sidler I.V. On the Test Volterra Equations of the First Kind in the Integral Models of Developing Systems // Automation and Remote Control. Vol.79. No.4. 2018. P.604-616. DOI: 10.1134/S0005117918040033 The paper was devoted to analysis of the test Volterra equations of the first kind enabling one to study the specificity of important classes of integral equations in the mathematical models of developing system. Along with theoretical results, presented were numerical calculations...
Теги: developing system , error in the initial data , instability , numerical solution , test volterra equation of the first kind , two age groups , automation , control engineering , plasma stability , age groups , integral model , numerical calculation , volterra equatioPodkoval’nikov S.V., Savel’ev V.A., Khamisov O.V., Chudinova L.Y. Justification of Effectiveness of International Power Interconnections with Separation of Effects between Participants // Automation and Remote Control. Vol.79. No.10. 2018. P.1756-1766. DOI: 10.1134/S0005117918100028 We consider the methodology and describe the tools needed for a system study of the effectiveness of the development of international power links and the interconnections that are formed as a result, in particular from...
Теги: dual estimates , effectiveness , international electrical links and interconnections , mathematical models , methodology , automation , control engineering , electrical links , northeast asia , power interconnections , power links , system study , electric power syZorkaltsev V.I. Entering into the Domain of Feasible Solutions Using Interior Point Method // Automation and Remote Control. Vol.80. No.2. 2019. P.348-361. DOI: 10.1134/S0005117919020127 The interior point algorithm for a linear programming problem is considered. The algorithm consists of two stages. At the first stage, we enter into the domain of feasible solutions for given constraints. The second stage lies in optimization over the feasible domain. Entering into the feasible domain is represented...
Теги: interior point method , linear programming , automation , control engineering , feasible solution , interior point algorithm , interior-point method , linear programming problem , nondegenerateTomin N., Kurbatsky V., Guliyev H. Intelligent control of a wind turbine based on reinforcement learning // 2019 16th Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems, ELMA 2019 - Proceedings. ID: 8771645. 2019. ISBN (print): 9781728114132. DOI: 10.1109/ELMA.2019.8771645 Advanced controllers of modern wind turbines can help increase energy capture efficiency and reduce structural loading. However, to fulfill the modern wind turbine control demands with contradicting requirements (efficiency...
Теги: control , mimo control , pitch control , reinforcement learning , torque control , wind turbine , adaptive control systems , control engineering , electric machinery , machine learning , mimo systems , stochastic systems , wind , wind turbines , adaptive control desVoropai N., Kurbatsky V., Tomin N., Efimov D., Kolosok I. Intelligent control and protection of power systems in the Russian cities // SMARTGREENS 2019 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems. 2019. P.19-29. ISBN (print): 9789897583735. A distinctive feature of the energy system development in Russian megalopolises is the need for a comprehensive approach to the problem of making the network intelligent. The paper presents the following contributions:...
Теги: artificial intelligence , control , power grid , protection , russia , smart cities , control engineering , electric power system protection , electric power transmission networks , green computing , intelligent agents , learning systems , multi agent systems , powerChertkov M., Novitsky N.N. Thermal Transients in District Heating Systems // Energy. Vol.184. 2019. P.22-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2018.01.049 Heat fluxes in a district heating pipeline systems need to be controlled on the scale from minutes to an hour to adjust to evolving demand. There are two principal ways to control the heat flux - keep temperature fixed but adjust velocity of the carrier (typically water) or keep the velocity flow steady but then adjust temperature at the heat producing source...
Теги: control , district heating network (dhn) , dynamics , identification , networks , pipeline system , thermal front , turbulent diffusion , control engineering , heat flux , heating , heating equipment , identification (control systems) , networks (circuits) , pipelines