Apartsin A.S., Sidler I.V. On the Test Volterra Equations of the First Kind in the Integral Models of Developing Systems // Automation and Remote Control. Vol.79. No.4. 2018. P.604-616. DOI: 10.1134/S0005117918040033 The paper was devoted to analysis of the test Volterra equations of the first kind enabling one to study the specificity ...
Теги: developing system , error in the initial data , instability , numerical solution , test volterra equation of the first kind , two age groups , automation , control engineering , plasma stability , age groups , integral model , numerical calculation , volterra equatioMarkova E., Sidler I., Trufanov V. Optimization Problem for the Integral Model of Developing Systems // Journal of the Operations Research Society of China. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s40305-020-00302-z This paper addresses an integral model of development a large electric power system using the example of the Unified Energy ...
Теги: integral model , lifetime , optimization problem