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On the Test Volterra Equations of the First Kind in the Integral Models of Developing Systems

... was devoted to analysis of the test Volterra equations of the first kind enabling one to study the specificity of important classes of integral equations in the mathematical models of developing system. Along with theoretical results, presented were numerical calculations for the model examples. © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. входит Статья в журнале

Теги: developing system , error in the initial data , instability , numerical solution , test volterra equation of the first kind , two age groups , automation , control engineering , plasma stability , age groups , integral model , numerical calculation , volterra equatio
Simulating self-oscillations in a boiling flow of subcooled liquid in the channel

... the non stationary process of boiling of ethanol in the channel, is presented. Model takes into account pulsations of a vapor film, evaporation of overheated liquid on a heater wall and vapor condensation owing to a flow of highly subcooled liquid. In numerical calculations the conditions of development of self-oscillations owing to evaporation of the liquid getting on a hot wall in the course of pulsations of a vapor film are revealed. Results of calculations well agree with experimental data. © ...

Теги: ethanol , evaporation , nonstationary process , numerical calculation , oscillatory mode , pressure oscillation , self-oscillations , theoretical research , vapor condensation , vertical channels , liquids
Dynamics of the wall thermal boundary layer at the initial stage of the nucleate boiling

... with the departure diameter of 50 μm. To build the field temperature at the moment prior to the start of boiling, we used a numerical model implemented in the COMSOL multiphysics software. The experimental data on bubbles dynamics was compared to the numerical calculation of the temperature, and the relationship between the temperature growth rate, the bubble departure diameter and the Jacob number was established. The outcome results demonstrated that the non-transient heat influences the departure ...

Теги: fluid dynamics , hydrodynamics , nucleate boiling , bubble departure diameter , comsol multiphysics , departure diameter , field temperature , numerical calculation , predictive models , temperature growth , th
