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active distribution networks algorithm analysis process analytical method application programs arbitrary structures bearings (machine parts) boilers boundary conditions calculation scheme client-server architectures co commerce common information spaces competition competitive prices complex engineering complex problems computation theory computational efficiency computational experiment computational procedures computer control systems computer environments computer modelling computer operating systems computer technology computing technology continuous optimization continuous optimization problems control control engineering cost effectiveness cost effectiveness analysis current problems da de-icing agents decision making dependent variables design problems design scheme development and ope development technology different stages digital devices dispatching controls distributed generation source distributed software district energy syst district heating district heating network (dhn) district heating system district-heating companies dynamic programming dynamic programming methods dynamics economic benefits economic criteria economic damages efficiency electrical distribution networks energy efficiency energy policy energy productions energy resources energy utilization engineering constraints environmental impact estimation exponential regression exponential smoothing external environments failure and recoveries failure-free operations finite number fire extinguishers fixed flow flow distribution flow of gases forecasting methods forecasting problems forestry gas gas cost gas demands gas distribution gas supply gas supply system gas systems gas-condensate fields gases global solutions graphical analysis graphical visualization heat flux heat sources heat storage heat supply heat supply systems heating heating equipment heating mode heating period high-quality monitoring hydraulic calculations hydraulic circ hydraulic circuits hydraulic conditions hydraulic equipment hydraulic machinery hydraulic stability i identification identification (control systems) information spaces installation site integral indicators integrated systems life cycle linear regression linear regression models linear sections linear state e load distributions long term planning mathematical formulation mathematical statement mathematical transformations measuring device method methodological approach mo mobile communication devices mobile telecommunication systems model and algorithms modern development monopolistic markets monte carlo methods moving average method multilevel model multilevels multiple regression model numerical methods operating condition pipeline networks pipelines piping systems problem solving timing circuits water pipelines


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Optimization of transmission capacity of energy water pipeline networks with a tree-shaped configuration and multiple sources

Sokolov D.V., Barakhtenko E.A. Optimization of transmission capacity of energy water pipeline networks with a tree-shaped configuration and multiple sources // Energy. Vol.210. ID: 118469. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2020.118469 The problem of pipeline network transmission capacity optimization is solved during network design, optimization, and development. It consists in determining the optimal pipeline diameters, installation sites, and parameters of pumps and valves. This study proposes a methodology...

Теги: algorithm , dynamic programming , network optimization , pipeline diameters , pipeline networks , pumps , forestry , pipelines , water pipelines , computational procedures , continuous optimization problems , installation site , mathematical statement , optimization a
Problems and technologies of remote access to unified information space of urban pipeline systems

Alekseev A., Mikhailovsky E. Problems and technologies of remote access to unified information space of urban pipeline systems // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 04002. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910204002 The paper presents the experience of applying modern information technologies while operating the urban pipeline systems. Consideration is given to the main problems interfering with ensuring the efficient modes of pipeline systems operation that are caused by uncertainty and inconsistency...

Теги: digital devices , hydraulic equipment , mobile telecommunication systems , pipelines , piping systems , problem solving , scada systems , water pipelines , information spaces , mobile communication devices , mo
Modeling of a prosumer in optimal design energy systems problem

Barakhtenko E., Sokolov D., Tashlykova V. Modeling of a prosumer in optimal design energy systems problem // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 02001. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910202001 The conversion of existing energy systems to intelligent integrated energy systems can happen only if economic benefits due to introduction of the intelligent integrated energy systems will exceed required level of investments. Thus, it is necessary for every optimal design energy systems problem according...

Теги: boilers , cost effectiveness , energy efficiency , energy resources , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , optimal systems , pipelines , solar heating , cost effectiveness analysis , district energy syst
Study of the forecasting problem of energy consumption of water pumping station

Alekseev A.V. Study of the forecasting problem of energy consumption of water pumping station // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 03001. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910203001 The article describes the study of the energy consumption forecasting of city water pumping station. The review of the existing approaches for technical systems energy consumption forecasting is made. The shot description of the studied object properties including hourly energy consumption is presented. Two often used...

Теги: energy utilization , hydraulic equipment , pipelines , pumping plants , regression analysis , exponential smoothing , forecasting methods , forecasting problems , moving average method , object property , techn
Development of analysis methods for ensuring the reliability of gas distribution systems in the problems of complex energy supply

... with the issues devoted to reliability studies of gas distribution systems for complex energy supply of large industrialized areas. Given is a brief review of the reliability assessment methods, existing models for reliability assessment of the main pipelines, and their implementation. Special attention is paid to such reliability-specific properties as failure-free operation and maintainability of the elements constituting the gas distribution systems (linear sections and booster stations). These ...

Теги: energy resources , gases , hydraulic equipment , pipelines , analytical method , failure and recoveries , failure-free operations , gas distribution , integral indicators , linear sections , reliability assessm
Innovative transformations of a model for flow distribution in gas systems and their new properties

Ilkevich N.I., Dzyubina T.V., Kalinina Z.V. Innovative transformations of a model for flow distribution in gas systems and their new properties // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID:148852. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910202004 The methods of network analysis are widely used in mathematical modelling of optimal gas flows to solve the problems of long-term planning and development of gas systems. However, the modern development of gas systems, their renovation and modernization require that the...

Теги: flow of gases , hydraulic equipment , mathematical transformations , pipelines , flow distribution , gas supply system , gas systems , long term planning , modern development , renovation and modernization , tr
Study of the measurements placement problem for planning of the optimal experiment

Grebneva O.A. Study of the measurements placement problem for planning of the optimal experiment // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 03006. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910203006 Both in Russia and abroad, there are works that are devoted to the problem of optimal placement of measuring devices, which are evidenced by the current literature. The proposed methods are not universal, that does not allow them to be directly used for different types of pipeline systems. In addition, the developed...

Теги: hydraulic equipment , numerical methods , pipelines , piping systems , water pipelines , finite number , global solutions , mathematical formulation , measuring device , optimal experiments , optimal placements
Methods of redundant schemes and software for optimization of heat source structure

Edeleva O.A., Barakhtenko E.A., Sokolov D.V. Methods of redundant schemes and software for optimization of heat source structure // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 02003. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910202003 The optimization of heat sources in populated areas is associated with the optimization of their structure. The optimization problem is of linear discrete nature and is hard to formalize [1]. The aim of the optimization is to identify the types, sites and mix of equipment of the heat...

Теги: environmental impact , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , pipelines , load distributions , mathematical formulation , methodological approach , network configuration , optimal development , optimizati
Development of operating conditions of district heating systems with quality regulation

Tokarev V.V., Shalaginova Z.I. Development of operating conditions of district heating systems with quality regulation // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 03011. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910203011 District heating systems (DHS) have developed as large-scale and very complex engineering structures. In different countries of the world, are used various strategies of their regulation: by quality, by quantity, by combining of quality and quantity. The purpose of the operating conditions development...

Теги: heating equipment , hydraulic equipment , pipelines , complex engineering , design scheme , development technology , district heating system , operating condition , operating regimes , quality regulation , ther
Optimization of hydraulic modes of single-source tree-like heat networks

Lutsenko A.V., Novitsky N.N. Optimization of hydraulic modes of single-source tree-like heat networks // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 03008. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910203008 The article deals with the problem of optimizing the hydraulic modes of radial heat supply systems with a single heat source and pumping stations. The features of the problem under consideration are the presence of several target functions and a fixed flow distribution. The topology of the networks under consideration...

Теги: computational efficiency , hydraulic equipment , pipelines , computational experiment , design scheme , fixed flow , heat sources , heat supply systems , pumping stations , single source , target functions , pro
