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Applied Problems and Methodological Approaches to Planning and Implementation of Operating Conditions at District Heating Systems

Shalaginova Z.I., Tokarev V.V. Applied Problems and Methodological Approaches to Planning and Implementation of Operating Conditions at District Heating Systems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.66. No.10. 2019. P.714-729. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601519100057 Abstract: Problems in planning and implementation of the operating conditions for district heating systems (DHSs) are directly related to the controllability and permissibility of the conditions and the reliability, quality, and efficiency of the heat...

Теги: arrangement of operating conditions , district heating systems , experience of application , mathematical modeling , problems of heat supply , software , abstracting , application programs , cogeneration plants , computer software , district heating , energy conserv
Subject-oriented computing environment for solving large-scale problems of energy security research

Bychkov I.V., Oparin G.A., Feoktistov A.G., Sidorov I.A., Gorsky S.A., Kostromin R.O., Edelev A.V. Subject-oriented computing environment for solving large-scale problems of energy security research // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1368. No.5. ID: 052030. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1368/5/052030 We represent a new approach to the development and use of a subject-oriented heterogeneous distributed computing environment for solving large-scale problems of energy security research. Both...

Теги: application programs , multi agent systems , nanotechnology , collaborative application , computing environments , computing resource , continuous integrations , distributed computing environment , heterogene
Orlando tools: Energy research application development through convergence of grid and cloud computing

Feoktistov A., Gorsky S., Sidorov I., Kostromin R., Edelev A., Massel L. Orlando tools: Energy research application development through convergence of grid and cloud computing // Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol.965. 2019. P.289-300. ISBN (print): 9783030058067. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05807-4_25 The paper addresses the relevant problem related to the development of scientific applications (applied software packages) to solve large-scale problems in heterogeneous distributed...

Теги: cloud , energy research , grid , scientific application , application programs , cloud computing , clouds , energy security , multi agent systems , distributed applications , distributed computing environment , grid and cloud computing , hybri
Improving of the quality and reliability of water supply systems on the basis of modern information and computing technologies

Alekseev A.V. Improving of the quality and reliability of water supply systems on the basis of modern information and computing technologies // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.39. ID: 04003. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20183904003 The article deals with the issues of increasing the reliability and quality of water supply systems operation on the basis of modern methods and software complexes for the analysis and development of hydraulic conditions. Against the backdrop of the analysis of the literature...

Теги: application programs , hydraulic equipment , pipelines , reliability analysis , software reliability , water quality , water supply , water supply systems , common information spaces , computing technology , da
