Khamisov O.V. Algebraic solution of the problems of nonconvex quadratic programming // Automation and Remote Control. Vol.65. No.2. 2004. P.218-226. DOI: 10.1023/B:AURC.0000014718.51686.38 An algebraic approach founded on the Gröbner bases coupled with the necessary optimality conditions of the first order was used to solve the problem of nonconvex quadratic programming. Illustrative numerical examples were presented. входит Статья в журнале
Теги: algebraic solutions , linear functions , market relations , quadratic functions , algebra , computer simulation , functions , matrix algebra , problem solving , regression analysis , set theory , quadratic progrIvanova I.Y. Significant factors affecting the selection of rational options for power supply in an off-grid zone // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 02006. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197702006 The paper presents a short characteristic of an off-grid zone in the eastern regions of the Russian Federation. The main problems of power supply to consumers in this zone are described, and possible options for solving them are provided. A methodological approach and model tools to estimate the efficiency...
Теги: alternative options , economic efficiency , economic indicators , impact of factors , methodological approach , off-grid consumers , simulation models , computer simulation , economic and social effects , electric power transmission networks , energy policy , methodНовицкий Н.Н., Токарев В.В., Шалагинова З.И., Алексеев А.В., Гребнева О.А., Баринова С.Ю. Информационно-вычислительный комплекс «АНГАРА-ТС» для автоматизации расчета и анализа эксплуатационных режимов при управлении крупными многоконтурными системами теплоснабжения // Вестник ИрГТУ. Т.22. №11. 2018. C.126-144. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2018-11-126-144 Цель - разработка программного комплекса для расчета и анализа функционирования крупных систем централизованного теплоснабжения при управлении режимами...
Теги: теплоснабжающая система , теплогидравлический режим , расчет , графический анализ , компьютерное моделирование , информационно-вычислительный комплекс , heat supply system , thermal-hydraulic state , calculation , graphical analysis , computer simulation , informatiMelentyev L.A., Makarov A.A., Gershenzon M.A., Makarova A.S., Papin A.A. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF LONG-TERM ENERGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES. // Proc. of the Energy Modelling Studies and Conservation, Proceedings of a Seminar of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. 1982. ISBN (print): 0080274161. [No abstract available] нет
Теги: abstract only , computer simulation , economic variables , energy conservation , energy development program , forecasting , energy utilization... of this theory are described with placing emphasis on approaches for solving key issues that hinder further improvement in the efficiency of water supply systems and quality of controlling their operating conditions. Application of mathematical and computer simulation is central to the proposed approaches. нет
Теги: circuit theory , computer simulation , control , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , identification (control systems) , mathematical models , water management , water supply systems , analysis , flux-diMikheev A.V., Zubtsov V.M. Simultaneous determination of temperature and velocity flow fields by enhanced two-color PTV technique // ICIASF Record, International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities. 2003. P.320-327. Inherent or laser induced irradiation of individual solid/liquid tracer particles or distinguishable groups of molecules (e.g. injected into hot flow in the form of liquid evaporating droplets) is examined as an information source of both temperature and velocity...
Теги: charge coupled devices , computer simulation , error analysis , heat treatment , irradiation , laser beam effects , optical sensors , velocity measurement , particle image velocimetry (piv) , particle tracking