... management the operation of district heating systems taking into account prosumers based on the bi-level modeling method (bi-level programming). The proposed mathematical model allows taking into account the technical and economic characteristics of heat sources and heat networks, the interests of participants in the process of heat supply to consumers and determining the optimal conditions for management the operation of district heating systems. © 2019 входит Статья конференции
Теги: bi-level programming , district heating system , heat sources , mathematical modeling , optimal development , optimization , prosumer , heating equipment , mathematical models , district heatingLutsenko A.V., Novitsky N.N. Optimization of hydraulic modes of single-source tree-like heat networks // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 03008. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910203008 The article deals with the problem of optimizing the hydraulic modes of radial heat supply systems with a single heat source and pumping stations. The features of the problem under consideration are the presence of several target functions and a fixed flow distribution. The topology of the networks under consideration...
Теги: computational efficiency , hydraulic equipment , pipelines , computational experiment , design scheme , fixed flow , heat sources , heat supply systems , pumping stations , single source , target functions , pro