Innovative transformations of a model for flow distribution in gas systems and their new properties

Статья конференции
Ilkevich N.I., Dzyubina T.V., Kalinina Z.V.
E3S Web of Conferences
2019 Mathematical Models and Methods of the Analysis and Optimal Synthesis of the Developing Pipeline and Hydraulic Systems, MMMAOSDPHS 2019
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID:148852.
The methods of network analysis are widely used in mathematical modelling of optimal gas flows to solve the problems of long-term planning and development of gas systems. However, the modern development of gas systems, their renovation and modernization require that the new trends in innovative transformation should be taken into account in the mathematical models for their research as well. This paper is focused on the proposals for considering the new properties of gas system in the mathematical flow distribution model as compared to the traditional formulation. Case study involves the calculation of gas flows for an aggregated unified gas supply system for the period up to 2030. This calculation allows for the edge coefficients and a gain in the transmission capacities of the edges. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019.

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Ilkevich N.I., Dzyubina T.V., Kalinina Z.V. Innovative transformations of a model for flow distribution in gas systems and their new properties // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID:148852. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910202004