Feoktistov A., Sidorov I., Tchernykh A., Edelev A., Zorkalzev V., Kostromin R., Gorsky S., Bychkov I., Avetisyan A. Multi-Agent Approach for Dynamic Elasticity of Virtual Machines Provisioning in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environment // Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2018. ID: 8514450. P.909-916. ISBN (print): 9781538678787....
Теги: cloud , grid , multi-agent management , virtual machines , clouds , elasticity , energy security , grid computing , network security , problem solving , scheduling , virtual machine , virtual reality , virtualization , distributed computing environment , multi age... region in terms of the complex interconnections between economy (and energy) and the growth of uncertainty of the future development of the country and territories. The authors propose a methodological approach, which combines the assessment of the price elasticity of energy demand with the optimization of energy and fuel regional supply. In this case, the price elasticity of demand is determined taking into account the comparison of cost-effectiveness of using different types of fuel and energy by different ...
Теги: forecasting , uncertainty , energy resources , prices , competitiveness , regions of russia , regional markets , demand , fuel and energy sector , elasticity , macro-region , modelГальперова Е.В. Методический подход к оценке энергопотребления в условиях неопределенности // Регион: экономика и социология. №3. 2013. C.212-218.
Теги: энергопотребление , долгосрочное прогнозирование , региональные энергетические рынки , спрос , цена , эластичность , energy consumption , long-term forecast , regional energy markets , demand , price , elasticity