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Результаты поиска ( Отсортировано по релевантности | Сортировать по дате )

Combined generation and transmission capacity market model for dispersed systems

... (print): 9781538614884. DOI: 10.1109/EEM.2018.8469766 The paper develops a capacity market model for dispersed electric power systems (EPS) characterized by long distances and low transfer capabilities of transmission lines. The model includes discrete optimization of an optimal generation set considering network limitations. Potential competition and generation development are integrated into the model. Forming investment price signals is discussed as far as the capacity price is not calculated by ...

Теги: capacity market , dispersed electric power systems , generation expansion , transmission expansion , commerce , electric lines , electric power systems , electric power transmission , expansion , optimization , power markets , capacity markets , discrete optimization
Search for a market equilibrium of Cournot-Nash in the competitive heat market

Penkovskii A., Stennikov V., Mednikova E., Postnikov I. Search for a market equilibrium of Cournot-Nash in the competitive heat market // Energy. Vol.161. 2018. P.193-201. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2018.07.086 The paper is concerned with a «Single-buyer » heat market model. A mathematical model is developed. In this model, optimal distribution of heating load among heat sources, that corresponds to the Nash equilibrium is determined based on the Cournot approach. The mathematical model makes it possible...

Теги: cournot-nash equilibrium , heat market , heat supply system , optimization , «single buyer» model
Simplex embedding method in decomposition of large sparse convex nondifferentiable optimization problems

Kolosnitsyn A. Simplex embedding method in decomposition of large sparse convex nondifferentiable optimization problems // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol.2098. 2018. P.189-199. We consider an adaptation of the simplex embedding method to the decomposition of large-scale convex problem with sparse block-wise constraint matrix. According to the Lagrangean ...

Теги: decomposition , lagrangean relaxation , nondifferentiable optimization , simplex embedding method , optimization , concave function , convex problems , embedding method , non-differentiable , non-differentiable functions , non-differentiable optimization , numerical
Editorial for special issue on methods of optimization and their applications

Sforza A., Sidorov D., Vasiliev I. Editorial for special issue on methods of optimization and their applications // International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Vol.16. No.1. 2018. P.113-115. The special issue focuses on the optimization methods which are in the core of artificial intelligence technologies. The 17th Baikal ...

Теги: editorial , machine learning , operations research , optimization
Data processing and optimization system to study prospective interstate power interconnections

Podkovalnikov S., Trofimov I., Trofimov L. Data processing and optimization system to study prospective interstate power interconnections // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.27. ID: 01007. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20182701007 The paper presents Data processing and optimization system for studying and making rational ...

Теги: data handling , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , expansion , object-oriented databases , optimization , electric power , electric power grids , graphical visualization , optimiza
The optimization problems of CHP operation

Kler A.M., Stepanova E.L., Maximov A.S. The optimization problems of CHP operation // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.891. No.1. ID: 012215. 2017. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/891/1/012215 The problem of enhancing energy and economic efficiency of CP is urgent indeed. One of the main methods ...

Теги: computer software , energy efficiency , optimization , steam turbines , user interfaces , economic efficiency , energy characteristics , modeling and optimization , operating condition , optimization calculati
Objective function decomposition in global optimization

Khamisov O.V. Objective function decomposition in global optimization // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol.10556 LNCS. 2017. P.338-344. ISBN (print): 9783319694030. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69404-7_28 In this ...

Теги: d.c. function , decomposition , global optimization , induced constraint , optimization , global optimization problems , objective functions
Interior point and newton methods in solving high dimensional flow distribution problems for pipe networks

... Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol.10556 LNCS. 2017. P.139-149. ISBN (print): 9783319694030. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69404-7_10 In this paper optimal flow distribution problem in pipe network is considered. The investigated problem is a convex sparse optimization problem with linear equality and inequality constrains. Newton method is used for problem with equality constrains only and obtains an approximate solution, which may not satisfy inequality constraints. Then Dikin Interior Point Method starts ...

Теги: convex optimization , interior point method , large-scale optimization , newton method , pipe network , sparse matrix , constraint theory , linear programming , newton-raphson method , optimization , quadratic programming , approximate solution , inequality constrain
Dual model of power market with generation and line capacity expansion

Gakh S. Dual model of power market with generation and line capacity expansion // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Т.1623. 2016. C.606-617. The investigated model is a mathematical model in which operating power, installed power, power flows between nodes in electric power system (EPS) are optimized for the last year of the calculation period. The model is static, multinodal and it is represented as a large dimension linear programming problem. The aim of this study is analysis of the relationships between...

Теги: dual variables , electric power system (eps) , nodal prices , primal and dual linear programming problems , electric power systems , operations research , optimization , power markets , dual linear programming , electric power systems (eps) , installed power , large
Modified simplex imbeddings method in convex non-differentiable optimization

Kolosnitcyn A. Modified simplex imbeddings method in convex non-differentiable optimization // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol.1623. 2016. P.226-233. We consider a new interpretation of the modified simplex imbeddings method. The main construction of this method is a simplex which contains a solution of convex non-differentiable ...

Теги: modified simplex imbeddings method , self-concordant barrier , structural optimization , geometry , operations research , optimization , cutting planes , non-differentiable , non-differentiable optimization , numerical experiments , optimal solutions , self-con
