Marchenko O., Solomin S., Kozlov A., Shamanskiy V., Donskoy I. Economic efficiency assessment of using wood waste in cogeneration plants with multi-stage gasification // Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Vol.10. №21. ID: 7600. 2020. P.1-15. DOI: 10.3390/app10217600 The aim of this work is to assess the effectiveness of biomass gasification power plants ...
Теги: cogeneration , cost of energy , economic efficiency , energy use , wood gasification mini-chp , wood wasteMarchenko O.V., Solomin S.V., Kozlov A.N. Possibilities of use of wood wastes in the power industry of Russia [ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ДРЕВЕСНЫХ ОТХОДОВ В ЭНЕРГЕТИКЕ РОССИИ] // Ecology and Industry of Russia. Vol.23. No.6. 2019. P.17-21. DOI: 10.18412/1816-0395-2019-6-17-21 ...
Теги: effectiveness , energy cost , gasification , pellets , wood waste