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An effective method for optimization of continuous and discrete parameters of heat and power plants

Kler A.M., Zharkov P.V. An effective method for optimization of continuous and discrete parameters of heat and power plants // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. Vol.25. No.2. 2018. P.305-316. DOI: 10.1134/S0869864318020166 Modern thermal power plants are complex technological systems. Therefore, making informed decisions when studying them requires the use of mathematical modeling and nonlinear optimization methods for plant parameter. The most complex task is to solve a mixed optimization problem...

Теги: discrete-continuous nonlinear optimization , heat and power plants , mathematical simulation , combined cycle power plants , constraint theory , integer programming , iterative methods , linear programming , nonlinear programming , thermoelectric power plants , was
Numerical study of coal and woody biomass co-gasification in oxygen-fed gasifier

Donskoy I.G., Kozlov A.N., Svishchev D.A., Shamanskiy V.A. Numerical study of coal and woody biomass co-gasification in oxygen-fed gasifier // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1261. No.1. ID: 012008. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1261/1/012008 The use of biomass in the energy sector is associated with two important tasks: reducing the dependence of energy systems on expensive high-quality fuel, and increasing the environmental efficiency of thermal power plants (by processing carbon-containing...

Теги: biomass , coal , coal combustion , gasification , oxygen , thermoelectric power plants , waste incineration , carbon containing , co-gasification , energy systems , environmental efficiency , fuel gasification
Integrated energy supply schemes on basis of cogeneration plants and wind power plants

Postnikov I., Stennikov V., Penkovskii A. Integrated energy supply schemes on basis of cogeneration plants and wind power plants // Energy Procedia. Vol.158. 2019. P.154-159. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.063 The paper presents innovative technological concepts of integrated energy supply schemes based on joint operation of thermal and wind power plants. The main advantage of these systems lies in the improving the efficiency, reliability and environmental friendliness of energy supply (electricity...

Теги: fuel saving , integrated scheme of energy supply , reduction co2 emissions , thermal power plant , wind energy , wind power plant , carbon dioxide , fuel economy , fuels , patents and inventions , thermoelectric power plants , wind power , wind turbines , co2 emission
Optimization studies of coal-fired combined cycle power plant given fuel price uncertainty

Kler A.M., Marinchenko A.Yu., Potanina Yu.M., Zharkov P.V. Optimization studies of coal-fired combined cycle power plant given fuel price uncertainty // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1111. No.1. ID: 012006. 2018. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1111/1/012006 Integrated gasification combined-cycle plants are considered as one of the promising directions for the development of thermal power plants using fossil fuel. Interest in this area is explained by large natural reserves of coal and minimal...

Теги: coal combustion , combined cycle power plants , fossil fuel power plants , fossil fuels , gas emissions , gasification , proven reserves , thermoelectric power plants , electricity prices , fuel price uncertai
An effective method for optimization of the flow chart of thermal power plant

Kler A.M., Potanina Yu.M., Marinchenko A.Yu. An effective method for optimization of the flow chart of thermal power plant // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1111. No.1. ID: 012005. 2018. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1111/1/012005 In this work, a methodical approach to the optimization of schemes and parameters of power plants based on the development of the optimization method of the most complex scheme using discretely varying parameters is proposed. To solve the problem, the branch and bound...

Теги: combined cycle power plants , decision making , decision theory , flowcharting , graphic methods , problem solving , thermoelectric power plants , electricity prices , integrated coal gasification combined cy
Prospects of using new technologies in Russia's electric power industry to comply with international commitments to reduce CO2 emissions

Tchemezov A., Chemezova E., Syromyatnikov A. Prospects of using new technologies in Russia's electric power industry to comply with international commitments to reduce CO2 emissions // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 03007. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185803007 This study addresses the methodology of projecting the electric power industry developments, taking into account environmental constraints. I obtained quantitative assessments of long-term electric power industry development in a Russian...

Теги: fuels , gas emissions , gas plants , greenhouse gases , petroleum prospecting , thermoelectric power plants , co2 emissions , electric power industries , environmental constraints , fuel combustion , new techno
