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Self-oscillatory regime of boiling of a highly subcooled liquid in a flow-passage annular duct

Aktershev S.P., Levin A.A., Mesentsev I.V., Mesentseva N.N. Self-oscillatory regime of boiling of a highly subcooled liquid in a flow-passage annular duct // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. Vol.25. No.6. 2018. P.875-887. DOI: 10.1134/S0869864318060082 The results of an experimental and theoretical investigation of highly subcooled ethanol in an annular flow-passage ...

Теги: boiling , condensation , evaporation , pressure pulsations , self-oscillations , subcooled liquid , boiling liquids , ethanol , liquids , computational results , numerical computations , oscillatory regimes , pressure oscillation , pressure pulsation , subcooled
The formation of a cumulative jet during the collapse of a vapor bubble in a subcooled liquid formed as a result of laser heating

V.M. Chudnovskii, Levin A.A., V.I. Yusupov, M.A. Guzev, A.A. Chernov The formation of a cumulative jet during the collapse of a vapor bubble in a subcooled liquid formed as a result of laser heating // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol.150. №119286. 2019. P.1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.119286 Thispaperpresentstheresultsofanexperimentalstudyofboilingofsubstantiallysubcooledliquidini-tiatedbyitslocalheatingthroughtheconcentratedlaserradiationtransmittedtotheworkingvolumeviaathinopticalfiber....

Теги: cumulative jet , explosive boiling , laser surgery , subcooled liquid , vapour bubble
