Kler A.M., Potanina Y.M., Marinchenko A.Y. Cooptimization of thermal power plant flowchart, thermodynamic cycle parameters, and design parameters of components // Energy. Vol.193. ID: 116679. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2019.116679 The improvement in the efficiency of an energy plant depends on a rational development of its flowchart and choice of parameters along with the load schedule, equipment reliability, operating mode, etc. It is advisable to study such complex technical systems with the...
Теги: branch-and-bound method , mathematical modeling , methods of optimization , mixed-integer programming , reversible processes , thermal power plants , combined cycle power plants , earnings , energy efficiency , flowcharting , integer programming , investments , large... investigated model is a mathematical model in which operating power, installed power, power flows between nodes in electric power system (EPS) are optimized for the last year of the calculation period. The model is static, multinodal and it is represented as a large dimension linear programming problem. The aim of this study is analysis of the relationships between dual variables as the nodal and line prices. Copyright © by the paper's authors. нет
Теги: dual variables , electric power system (eps) , nodal prices , primal and dual linear programming problems , electric power systems , operations research , optimization , power markets , dual linear programming , electric power systems (eps) , installed power , large