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Combined production of synthetic liquid fuel and electricity from coal using H2S and CO2 removal systems

Tyurina E.А., Skripchenko O.V. Combined production of synthetic liquid fuel and electricity from coal using H2S and CO2 removal systems // Energy Reports. Vol.1. No.10. 2015. P.50-56. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2014.11.005 The main aim of the research is to continue the studies on promising technologies of coal conversion into synthetic ...

Теги: coal , combined production , electricity , methanol , rectisol method , synthetic liquid fuel
Комплексное развитие энергоснабжения регионов

Карасевич А.М., Сеннова Е.В., Федяев А.В., Громов Б.Н., Лачков Г.Г., Замерград В.Э. Комплексное развитие энергоснабжения регионов // Энергетическая политика. №4. 2011. C.22-30. В статье приводится характеристика развиваемого в ОАО «Газпром промгаз» и используемого в практических работах методического подхода к решению комплексных задач по развитию энергоснабжения субъектов РФ, других регионов и городов-мегаполисов. Решение таких задач является в современных условиях реальным путем восстановления...

Теги: топливно-энергетический комплекс , fuel and energy , генеральные схемы энергоснабжения , энергоснабжение , топливоснабжение , electricity , fuel supply , топливно-энергетический баланс , fuel and energy balance , газификация , energy master plans , энергетические ст
Energy-Intensive Manufacturing Enterprises as Active Players in Demand Side Management System

... rational operating conditions of electric power systems under variable loads and with regard to cost-effectiveness and technical capabilities of power plants. Supply fluctuated load considerably increases the costs in the power systems. The price of electricity in the case by changed load is generally higher than by constant load. This price cannot be decreased without cooperation with consumers. The last decade has shown an intensive adoption of new smart tools and technologies for automation in ...

Теги: demand side management , demand response , electrical load curve , electric power system , active consumers , electricity , game
The future energy: hydrogen versus electricity

Marchenko O.V., Solomin S.V. The future energy: hydrogen versus electricity // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol.40. No.10. 2015. P.3801-3805. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.01.132 Theoretically there can be different ways of the green (carbon-free) energy development aimed at providing sustainable development ...

Теги: carbon-free energy technologies , electricity , energy cost , energy storage , hydrogen
