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Linearization of differential algebraic equations with integral terms and their application to the thermal energy modelling

Chistyakova E.V., Chistyakov V.F., Levin A.A. Linearization of differential algebraic equations with integral terms and their application to the thermal energy modelling // Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software. Vol.11. No.4. 2018. P.94-109....

Теги: consistency problem , differential algebraic equations , fredholm operator , index , initial problem , volterra operator
Nonlinear systems' equilibrium points: Branching, blow-up and stability

Sidorov N., Sidorov D., Li Y. Nonlinear systems' equilibrium points: Branching, blow-up and stability // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1268. No.1. ID: 012065. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1268/1/012065 This article considers the nonlinear dynamic model formulated as the system of differential and operator equations. This system is assumed to enjoy an equilibrium point. The Cauchy problem with the initial condition with respect to one of the desired functions is formulated. The second...

Теги: chemical analysis , continuum mechanics , differential equations , dynamic models , dynamics , mathematical operators , chemical process , differential algebraic equations , equilibrium point , global classica
