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On modeling of the initial stage of nonstationary nucleate boiling for the high heat fluxes

Levin A., Khan P. On modeling of the initial stage of nonstationary nucleate boiling for the high heat fluxes // MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol.240. ID: 01018. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201824001018 During recent years, there have been made significant achievements in the numerical description of the bubble boiling, particularly, in the calculation of the bubble growth dynamics, the nucleation density, and the bubble boiling threshold [1, 2]. However, the numerical prediction is mostly based on...

Теги: explosives , heating , momentum transfer , nucleation , analytical expressions , empirical correlations , explosive boiling , leidenfrost temperature , non-stationary heat release , nucleation densities , nucle
