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Multi-output regression in electric power systems adequacy assessment using monte-carlo method

... and its nodes by solving the non-linear optimization problem with a large number of unknown values, the number of which depends on the size and complexity of the power system under consideration. This task is time-consuming, so the use of other, more effective approaches would reduce the time to perform calculations. To this end, it is proposed to use a method of modifying the existing method for adequacy assessment using multitasking regression. To determine the effectiveness of the proposed methodology,...

Теги: adequacy assessment , energy power system , machine learning , monte-carlo , computational efficiency , electric power systems , learning systems , nonlinear programming , computational experiment , effective approaches , non-linear optimiza
Optimization of energy sources structure to minimize environment pollution

....69. ID: 02007. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20186902007 The paper gives a general statement of the problem of choosing the structure of energy sources of urban heat supply systems to meet technical, economic and environmental constraints. One of the effective approaches to solve such a problem is the construction and optimization of redundant schemes of technological structures of energy sources. A model based on the theory of energy hubs is presented as one of the methods for constructing the redundant ...

Теги: atmospheric structure , electric power transmission networks , pollution , structural optimization , atmospheric pollution , effective approaches , environment pollution , environmental constraints , heat sup
