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Air Pollution Forecasting Using a Deep Learning Model Based on 1D Convnets and Bidirectional GRU

... Bidirectional GRU // IEEE Access. Vol.7. ID: 8732985. 2019. P.76690-76698. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2921578 Air pollution forecasting can provide reliable information about the future pollution situation, which is useful for an efficient operation of air pollution control and helps to plan for prevention. Dynamics of air pollution are usually reflected by various factors, such as the temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind speed, snowfall, rainfall, and so on, which increase the difficulty in ...

Теги: 1d convolutional neural networks , air pollution forecasting , bidirectional gated recurrent unit , deep learning , air pollution , air pollution control , convolution , deep neural networks , recurrent neural networks , wind , aerodynamic diameters , air pollutant
