... documented. Biomass gasification is a promising power technology especially for decentralized energy systems. Decisive progress has been made in the gasification technologies development during the last decade. This paper deals with the control and optimization problems for an isolated microgrid combining the renewable energy sources (solar energy and biomass gasification) with a diesel power plant. The control problem of an isolated microgrid is formulated as a Markov decision process and we studied ...
Теги: biomass , co2 reduction , machine learning , microgrids , mixed integer linear programming , operations research , optimization , reinforcement learning , diesel engines , dual fuel engines , fuels , gasification , global warming , hybrid systems , learning systems , ma... the heat of the flue gases. The mathematical model of a cogeneration gas turbine unit has been developed to perform one design calculation in the nominal mode and several verification calculations in characteristic modes with different thermal loads. optimization calculations were carried out for climatic conditions of Yakutsk and different prices for fuel. The optimal design parameters of the equipment, the parameters of the working fluid and coolants at all points of the technological scheme, fuel ...
Теги: cogeneration gas turbine unit , efficiency of heat power equipment , mathematical modeling , optimization , utilization of the flue gases heat , waste-heat recovery , calculations , cogeneration plants , computer systems programming , costs , flue gases , flues , gas... energy development includes the creation of multi-energy systems (MES) with several energy carriers that are planned, designed and operated with essential coordination of their subsystems. When managing the development and functioning of such systems, optimization problems should be solved to minimize the cost of production, transmission and distribution of energy resources. Traditionally, the means of such minimization are the redistribution of the loads of generation sources, consumers and energy ...
Теги: energy resources , optimization , topology , balance equations , cost of productions , energy development , load flow equations , multi-energy systems , optimal solutions , optimization problems , transmissionGolub I, Voitov O, Boloev E, Semenova L Reconfiguration of Primary Distribution Network with Several Independent Power Sources // IFAC PAPERSONLINE. Vol.52. No.4. 2019. P.437-442. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.08.249 We solve the problem of reconfiguration of a primary distribution network with feeders powered from several independent sources. A high-performance algorithm is applied to reconfigure the primary distribution network by the loss minimization criterion. The algorithm constructs the maximum...
Теги: distribution network , sectionalizing switches , tie switches , reconfiguration , spanning tree , renewable generation , distribution-systems , loss reduction , optimization... electric power systems // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.114. ID: 03002. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911403002 Based on the experience of domestic and foreign researchers, it is known that there are various mathematical models, software systems, and optimization methods used to solve the set tasks for assessing the resource adequacy of electric power systems (EPS). However, the continuous development of EPS leads to the complication and integration of systems against the background of which it becomes ...
Теги: energy system , heuristic methods , optimization methods , power shortage , resource adequacy , electric power systems , evolutionary algorithms , numerical methods , optimization , continuous development , differential evolution , electric power systems (eps) , enerKhamisov O., Kolosnitsyn A. An optimization approach to finding roots of systems of nonlinear equations // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.537. No.4. ID: 042007. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/537/4/042007 We describe and test an approach to finding roots ...
Теги: optimization , computational experiment , local search techniques , nonconvex optimization problem , optimization approach , optimization problems , stationary points , system of nonlinear equations , systemsPenkovskii A., Stennikov V., Postnikov I. Unified heat supply organization: Mathematical modeling and calculation // Energy Procedia. Vol.158. 2019. P.3439-3444. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.930 Organizational model of the heat energy market on a unified heat supply organization is considered. An equilibrium mathematical model is proposed for the liberalized tariff setting conditions based on a microeconomic monopolistic market model. This mathematical model allows for taking into account energy...
Теги: equilibrium , heat market , heat supply system , liberalization , monopoly , optimization , commerce , phase equilibria , engineering constraints , heat supply systems , modeling and calculations , monopolistic markets , organizational modeling... research presents a framework to solve the shunt capacitors' optimal allocation and sizing problem in radial distribution networks (RDNs) by a hybrid algorithm, named as Differential Evolution Cuckoo Search Algorithm (DECSA) which combines two efficient optimization methods, namely, Differential Evolution (DE) and Cuckoo Search algorithm (CSA), together. Loss sensitivity factor (LSF) is employed to determine the preferred capacitors' installation positions. The hybrid algorithm DECSA is developed to ...
Теги: cuckoo search , differential evolution , radial distribution networks evolutionary algorithms , shunt capacitors , electric load flow , learning algorithms , optimization , reactive power , cuckoo search algorithms , cuckoo searches , evolutionary computation technЛуценко А.В., Новицкий Н.Н. Модифицированный метод динамического программирования для оптимизации гидравлических режимов распределительных тепловых сетей // Вычислительные технологии. Т.23. №6. 2018. C.47-63. DOI: 10.25743/ICT.2018.23.6.006 Предложена оригинальная модификация метода динамического программирования, предназначенная для оптимизации гидравлических режимов распределительных тепловых сетей, опирающаяся на специальные свойства задачи. Продемонстрировано, что предложенная модификация метода...
Теги: теплоснабжающие системы , распределительные тепловые сети , гидравлический режим , оптимизация , heat supply systems , distribution heating networks , hydraulic mode , optimizationKolosok I., Gurina L. Cyber Security-Oriented Smart Grid State Estimation // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.69. ID: 02004. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20186902004 Development of Smart Grid involves the introduction of Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS), which provides the use of information, computing and digital technologies for measuring, transmitting and processing operating parameters when solving control problems. In this regard, the increased vulnerability to cyberattacks of the control system...
Теги: electric power system measurement , electric power system planning , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , estimation , information use , network security , optimization , smart powe