Разработка методики оценки эффективности присоединения новых потребителей к теплоснабжающей системе
A technique of assessing the efficiency of connecting new consumers to a heat supply system within the radius of effective heat supply is developed. The efficiency criterion is the specific cost of production and distribution of heat energy in the heat supply system which should not increase when the new consumers are connected to the system. The user payment for this connection often does not cover the investment expenditures of the heat supply company for construction of a new branch of the heating network to supply the consumer. The offered technical and economic models provide calculation of the critical distances between the consumer and supply terminal of the heat network with allowance for the consumer heat demand.
Библиографическая ссылка
Медникова Е.Е., Стенников В.А., Постников И.В. Разработка методики оценки эффективности присоединения новых потребителей к теплоснабжающей системе // Промышленная энергетика. №2. 2018. C.13-20.Список ВАК