Place of District Heating in the Power Industry of the USSR. [TEPLOFIKATSIYA V ENERGETICHESKOM KHOZYAISTVE SSSR.]

Статья в журнале
Melent'ev L.A.
Teploenergetika. No.11. P.7-10.
District heating is considered as one of the most important sectors of the national economy of the USSR. The achievements in the past are summed up and the future tasks are outlined. The structure of the Soviet fuel and energy balance is analyzed. The ways to improve the efficiency of centralized heat supply from steam power plants are discussed.

Библиографическая ссылка

Melent'ev L.A. Place of District Heating in the Power Industry of the USSR. [TEPLOFIKATSIYA V ENERGETICHESKOM KHOZYAISTVE SSSR.] // Teploenergetika. No.11. 1974. P.7-10.