A Computing System for Processing the Interstate Power Grid Data
The paper presents a Data Processing and Geo-information Computing System (DPGICS) intended to study and forecast the expansion of interstate power grids. We propose an original technology for data storage in an object-oriented database, and a technology for data processing and representation using user-friendly interface. An example is given to demonstrate the DPGICS applied to visualize energy data on maps, and to form aggregated tables with the
results obtained using the ORIRES optimization model being part of DPGICS.
Библиографическая ссылка
Trofimov I.L., Podkovalnikov S.V., Trofimov L., Chudinova L. A Computing System for Processing the Interstate Power Grid Data // Energy Systems Research. Vol.1. No.3. 2018. P.61-67. DOI: 10.25729/esr.2018.03.0008