Self-oscillatory regime of boiling of a highly subcooled liquid in a flow-passage annular duct

Статья в журнале
Aktershev S.P., Levin A.A., Mesentsev I.V., Mesentseva N.N.
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics
The results of an experimental and theoretical investigation of highly subcooled ethanol in an annular flow-passage duct under the conditions of pulsed heat generation in the wall cooled by liquid flow are presented. The formation of a vapor film on the heater wall and long-lasting pressure oscillations of high amplitude in the duct (the self-oscillatory regime) have been observed in experiments. A mathematical model of the ethanol boiling up has been developed to take into account the evaporation of the overheated liquid near the heater wall and the vapor condensa-tion in the flow of a subcooled liquid. The proposed model describes both the decaying oscillations of the vapor layer and the development of the self-oscillatory regime, which predicts well the amplitude and frequency of nonlinear oscil-lations. Numerical computations have shown that the self-oscillatory regime is realized due to evaporation of a periodically renewed microlayer on the heater wall. Computational results agree well with experimental data. © 2018, S.O. Morozov, S.V. Lukashevich, V.G. Soudakov, and A.N. Shiplyuk.

Библиографическая ссылка

Aktershev S.P., Levin A.A., Mesentsev I.V., Mesentseva N.N. Self-oscillatory regime of boiling of a highly subcooled liquid in a flow-passage annular duct // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. Vol.25. No.6. 2018. P.875-887. DOI: 10.1134/S0869864318060082
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