Multi-Agent Approach for Dynamic Elasticity of Virtual Machines Provisioning in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environment
We address dynamic elasticity issues of VM provisioning in a heterogeneous distributed computing environment that integrates resources of a data center. We consider the scenario when the center includes dedicated resources (private cloud) for providing virtualized service and non-dedicated resources for Grid-computing. Existing platforms for the resource virtualization does not support management of such an infrastructure. We propose an approach to a job management based on the dynamic elasticity of virtual machines provisioning using resources of both types. We develop the multi¬agent job scheduler for dedicated resources and hypervisor shell to launch virtual machines through queues of resource management systems in non-dedicated resources. The scheduler provides a dynamic elasticity of virtual machine provisioning. Advantages of the offered approach to the resource virtualization are demonstrated by an example of a job flow management for a scalable application to solve the complicated practical problem. It is related to the energy security of Vietnam. Provided experiments show that using the developed tools together with the platform for the resource virtualization enables agents to significantly speed up the problem-solving process. © 2018 IEEE.
Библиографическая ссылка Feoktistov A., Sidorov I., Tchernykh A., Edelev A., Zorkalzev V., Kostromin R., Gorsky S., Bychkov I., Avetisyan A. Multi-Agent Approach for Dynamic Elasticity of Virtual Machines Provisioning in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environment // Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2018. ID: 8514450. P.909-916. ISBN (print): 9781538678787. DOI: 10.1109/HPCS.2018.00145
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