Modeling of Integrated Energy Supply Systems: Main Principles, Model, and Applications

Статья в журнале
Voropai N., Stennikov V., Senderov S., Barakhtenko E., Voitov O., Ustinov A.
Journal of Energy Engineering
Energy systems including electricity, heat/cooling, and gas supply systems represent a very important part of the infrastructure in Russia. This paper presents a general framework of integrated energy systems. Elements of the concept of integrated energy systems are suggested. The explanation of the concept elements is given as a three-layer structure of integrated energy systems in three dimensions. The problems of integrated control of electric and heat networks deal with issues of combined calculation of operating conditions of the electric and heat networks integrated in the intelligent energy supply system. A mathematical description of the problems is presented. The results of two illustrative case studies are shown and explained. The first case study represents research on an emergency situation at the supergrid level of the energy system layers after an accident on a pipeline of the gas transportation network. The second case study represents research of interdependency of power and heat supply minigrids in emergency conditions on the example of a city district. Preferable future work is discussed. (C) 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.

Библиографическая ссылка

Voropai N., Stennikov V., Senderov S., Barakhtenko E., Voitov O., Ustinov A. Modeling of Integrated Energy Supply Systems: Main Principles, Model, and Applications // Journal of Energy Engineering. Vol.143. No.5. 2017. P.1-11. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000443