Scientific seminar with international participation named after A. S. Apartsyn
Unstable problems of computational mathematics - 2024

Registration fee

The registration fee for participation in the seminar is 1000 rubles 00 kopecks, including VAT of 20%.
The registration fee is intended to cover the organizational costs of the seminar.
The registration fee is paid according to the principle "one full–time participant - one registration fee".
The registration fee is exempt from payment:
  • members of the program committee;
  • students and postgraduates;
  • ISEM SB RAS staff;
  • online speakers.
The Organizing Committee of the UPCM-2024 requests to pay the registration fee by June 1, 2024.

To pay the registration fee from both individuals and legal entities, ISEM SB RAS has developed an agreement, which can be downloaded from the link below.
We ask you to familiarize yourself with its terms and conditions before making a payment.
The procedure for paying the registration fee by an individual:
In order to make a payment, it is necessary to register on the seminar website, make a payment using the payment details provided in the contract,
at the same time indicate in the purpose of payment "For participation in the UPCM-2024, the surname(s) of the participant(s)".
You can make a payment for the registration fee at any branch of Sberbank or another bank that makes transfers, including through the Sberbank online personal account (or an online service at another bank).

On the day of payment of the registration fee, it must be sent to the address of the Organizing Committee The following documents:

  • scanned copy of the payment document (pdf file), named after the model "Ivanov I.I.pdf";
  • a scanned copy of the completed and signed agreement with a list of participants for whom the registration fee was paid under this agreement.
  • Specify "Registration fee"in the subject of the letter.

At the end of the seminar, each participant is obliged to sign the act of acceptance of services received from the Organizing Committee,
a signed copy of which must be returned to the Organizing Committee.

If it is necessary to formalize a contract for the provision of services by a legal entity, please inform the Organizing Committee.

You can download the necessary documents at the link Договор_Акт.doc .