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Use of phasor measurements for modeling FACTS at the electric power system state estimation

Kolosok I., Korkina E., Tikhonov A. Use of phasor measurements for modeling FACTS at the electric power system state estimation // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.139. ID: 01025. 2019. 5 p. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201913901025 As the Smart Grid is being developed in the Russian Federation, a need in FACTS arises at resolving the issues of increasing the transmission capacity of electric power lines, voltage control, etc. The paper considers the issues of installing phasor measurement units (PMU) at the...

Теги: electric lines , electric power transmission networks , flexible ac transmission systems , phase measurement , phasor measurement units , smart power grids , state estimation , current phasors , electric powe
