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active consumers active powe adaptive control systems additional stress adequacy adequacy analysis adequacy assessment agent model agent modeling agn air storage algorithms artificial intelligence assessment asynchronous generators automation available transfer capability bad data detection bad data detections bidirecti bilevel optimization biomass boundary conditions capacity market capacity markets caucasus central asia characteristic functions charge and discharge management circuit theory commerce commercial implementation comparative analysis competition competitive equilibrium computation theory computational efficiency computational experiment computer crime constrained load flow construction principle consumer behavior continuous development control control actions control and protection systems control center control system analysis control systems control theory control tools cooperative game cooperative game theory copper smelting cost effectiveness cost-effectiveness costs crime critical infrastructures critical problems curve fitting cyber attack cyber attacks cyber security cyber-attacks data acquisition data handling dc zonal electrical distribution system dc-dc converters decentralized system decision making decision trees decommissioning (nuclear reactors) demand response demand side management demand side managements deregulation determination methods distributed power generation dynamic state estimation e electric industry electric lines electric load flow electric load management electric power electric power generation electric power industries electric power integration electric power measurement electric power plant loads electric power system electric power system control electric power system interconnection electric power system measurement electric power system security electric power systems electric power systems (eps) electric power transmission networks electric transmission electric utilities electricity demands electricity market electricity supply emergency control energy systems expansion expansion planning flexibility forecasting gas turbines generating companies generating equipments generating unit generation capacity interco intersystem large scale systems learning systems liberalization machine learning measurement measurements monte carlo method monte carlo methods network security neural networks oligopoly operations research optimiza optimization power control power generation power markets power quality power system controls problem solving profitability quality control reliability reliability analysis resource adequacy scada smart power grids solar energy soviet union state estimation systems science and cybernetics - large scale systems total transfer capability wind


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Centralized emergency control for multi-terminal VSC-based shipboard power systems

Panasetsky D., Sidorov D., Li Y., Ouyang L., Xiong J., He L. Centralized emergency control for multi-terminal VSC-based shipboard power systems // International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. Vol.104. 2018. P.205-214. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2018.06.051 Multi-terminal hybrid AC/DC power systems have found a wide application in different areas, such as wind and solar energy, microgrids, shipboard power systems (SPS), etc. To ensure reliability and survivability of the SPS, the emergency...

Теги: dc zonal electrical distribution system , emergency control , hybrid ac/dc power systems , power flow , shipboard power systems , electric circuit breakers , electric load flow , electric power systems , genetic algorithms , reliability theory , ships , solar energy
Cyber Security-Oriented Smart Grid State Estimation

Kolosok I., Gurina L. Cyber Security-Oriented Smart Grid State Estimation // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.69. ID: 02004. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20186902004 Development of Smart Grid involves the introduction of Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS), which provides the use of information, computing and digital technologies for measuring, transmitting and processing operating parameters when solving control problems. In this regard, the increased vulnerability to cyberattacks of the control system...

Теги: electric power system measurement , electric power system planning , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , estimation , information use , network security , optimization , smart powe
Dynamic State Estimation of Electric Power System Integrating Wind Power Generation

Glazunova A. Dynamic State Estimation of Electric Power System Integrating Wind Power Generation // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.69. ID: 02013. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20186902013 This paper is concerned with a problem of operation control of the electric power systems integrating wind farms. Dynamic state estimation is used to obtain reliable information about state variables and to promptly forecast the upcoming operating conditions. To predict the state variables, we assume that the wind farms ...

Теги: electric power generation , electric power system control , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , electric utilities , forecasting , state estimation , wind , wind power , active powe
Estimation of Total Transfer Capability in Intersystem Tie Lines of Electric Power Systems

Glazunova A.M., Aksaeva E.S. Estimation of Total Transfer Capability in Intersystem Tie Lines of Electric Power Systems // IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol.51. No.32. 2018. P.331-336. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.405 The paper presents a method for real-time calculation of total transfer capability on the basis of a trade-off approach, witch gives optimal ...

Теги: electric power system , measurements , state estimation , total transfer capability , economic and social effects , electric lines , electric power systems , measurement , control center , intersystem , optimal values , real-time calculations , single-rule , total tra
Использование методов машинного обучения при оценке надёжности электроэнергетических систем методом Монте-Карло

Бояркин Д.А., Крупенев Д.С., Якубовский Д.В. Использование методов машинного обучения при оценке надёжности электроэнергетических систем методом Монте-Карло // Вестник ЮУрГУ. Серия «Математическое моделирование и программирование». Т.11. №4. 2018. C.146-153. DOI: 10/14529/mmp18041 В статье рассматривается вопрос повышения вычислительной эффективности процедуры оценки балансовой надежности электроэнергетических систем при использовании метода статистических испытаний (метод Монте-Карло). При использовании...

Теги: электроэнергетические системы , оценка надежности , метод монте-карло , машинное обучение , electric power systems , adequacy assessment , monte carlo method , machine learning
Resilience Assessment of the State Estimation Software under Cyber Attacks

Voropai N., Kolosok I., Korkina E. Resilience Assessment of the State Estimation Software under Cyber Attacks // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 02013. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185802013 Taking into account Smart Grid creation, cyber security appears as critical problem. In spite of wide set of technical tools and organisational decisions, which use for protection of electrical objects against cyber attacks, it is impossible to prevent them completely. Therefore, the ability of Smart Grid...

Теги: crime , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , network security , smart power grids , state estimation , critical problems , cyber security , determination methods , electric power , or
Adequacy analysis of electric power systems with wind and solar power stations

Karamov D., Perzhabinsky S. Adequacy analysis of electric power systems with wind and solar power stations // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 02019. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185802019 We developed a new method of adequacy analysis of electric power systems with wind and solar power stations....

Теги: data handling , digital storage , electric power supplies to apparatus , electric power systems , meteorology , monte carlo methods , secondary batteries , solar energy , solar radiation , wind , air storage , e
Model of adequacy optimization of electric power systems under market conditions

Aizenberg N., Perzhabinsky S. Model of adequacy optimization of electric power systems under market conditions // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 02020. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185802020 We present a new model of adequacy optimization of electric power systems under market conditions in the article. Optimization ...

Теги: commerce , electric power systems , profitability , reliability , electricity demands , electricity grids , electricity supply , equilibrium price , generating companies , multiple estimation , power generating
Methods of analysis of the power system security

Osak A., Panasetsky D., Buzina E. Methods of analysis of the power system security // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 02018. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185802018 Increasing the intelligent level of the PS control systems caused by the implementation of Smart technologies changes the structure and the properties of PS and increases the importance of system reliability analysis. System reliability analysis includes two components - the balance analysis and the regime analysis. on the one hand...

Теги: control system analysis , electric power system security , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , problem solving , reliability analysis , development and operations , development sc
Determination of Critically Objects of Electric Power Systems from the Position of Energy Security

Krupenev D. Determination of Critically Objects of Electric Power Systems from the Position of Energy Security // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 03009. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185803009 The paper deal the problem of definition and ranking of critical objects (CO) in electric power systems (EPS)....

Теги: electric power system security , electric power systems , electric power systems (eps) , random factors , time interval , energy security
