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Mathematical Modeling of Plants for the Combined Production of Liquid Hydrocarbons and Electricity Based on Coal

... fraction hydrocarbons from methanol obtained at power-engineering plants for the synthesis of methanol from coal are considered. The methods and approaches used in the modeling of hydrocarbon synthesis processes based on the principles of equilibrium thermodynamics and phase separation processes of multifraction mixtures are substantiated and described. Conditions for combining a hydrocarbon synthesis unit with power-engineering plants for the synthesis of methanol from coal are considered. Based ...

Теги: coal , gasoline , mathematical modeling , methanol , power-engineering plant , hydrocarbons , phase separation , thermodynamics , economic efficiency , equilibrium thermodynamics , gasoline fractions , hydrocarbon synthesis , liquid hydrocarbons , phase-separation pro
Optimizing parameters of GTU cycle and design values of air-gas channel in a gas turbine with cooled nozzle and rotor blades

Kler A.M., Zakharov Y.B. Optimizing parameters of GTU cycle and design values of air-gas channel in a gas turbine with cooled nozzle and rotor blades // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. Т.19. №3. 2012. C.403-413. DOI: 10.1134/S0869864312030067 The authors have formulated the problem of joint optimization of pressure and temperature of combustion products before gas turbine, profiles of nozzle and rotor blades of gas turbine, and cooling air flow rates through nozzle and rotor blades. The article...

Теги: thermodynamics , mechanics
Construction of trajectories of irreversible processes on the basis of equilibrium thermodynamic propositions

... of macroscopic (unrelated with probability theory) construction of trajectories of irreversible physicochemical processes. The research involves simple and universal principles of conservation, equilibrium and extremality of classical mechanics and thermodynamics. The capabilities of their implementation increase greatly with development of computer engineering and information technologies. Two methods for construction are suggested: (1) a step-by-step method and (2) a method based on statement ...

Теги: circuit modeling , extreme trajectory , irreversible process , one-dimensional potential space , step-by-step equilibrium modeling , thermodynamic space , dynamic programming , probability , statistical mechanics , thermodynamics , trajectories
Conventional Hydraulic Circuits in an Analysis of Environmental Issues

... precipitation. The second model is intended for an analysis of the formation of pollutants and their transformations in branches as a result of chemical reactions and phase transitions. The analysis is based on the propositions of classical equilibrium thermodynamics. The applicability of the thermodynamic equilibrium and extremality principles and one-dimensional circuit models in the study of both reversible and irreversible processes are substantiated. Specific problems are analyzed. These are the ...

Теги: circuit simulation , electric power transmission networks , fuels , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , phase transitions , pollution , smart power grids , statistical mechanics , thermodynamics , timin
Thermodynamic analysis of environmental problems of energy

... physicochemical processes in power units and the impact of energy systems on the nature in large territorial regions. The model of extreme intermediate states developed at the Energy Systems Institute based on the principles of classical equilibrium thermodynamics was chosen to devise specific computational methods. The results of the conducted studies are presented and directions for further work are outlined. © 2017 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. нет

Теги: thermodynamics , ecological analysis , energy systems , environmental problems , equilibrium thermodynamics , further works , model of extreme intermediate state , physicochemical process , thermo dynamic ana
Coal gasification process simulations using combined kinetic-thermodynamic models in one-dimensional approximation

Donskoy I.G., Shamansky V.A., Kozlov A.N., Svishchev D.A. Coal gasification process simulations using combined kinetic-thermodynamic models in one-dimensional approximation // Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol.21. No.3. 2017. P.529-559. DOI: 10.1080/13647830.2016.1259505 Mathematical models are developed for the description of solid fuel conversion in fixed-bed and entrained flow gasification reactors. The proposed models differ from the well-known models in the fact that the general problem...

Теги: gasification , coal , modelling , thermodynamics , kinetics , entrained-flow gasifier , biomass gasification , syngas , combustion , igcc , equilibrium , injection , gas
