Kozlov A.N., Svichev D.A., Donskoi I.G., Shamansky V.A. Impact of gas-phase chemistry on the composition of biomass pyrolysis products // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Vol.122. No.3. 2015. P.1089-1098. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-015-4951-z http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=8&SID=U2wnd1B2YVcsIZLMA5p&page=1&doc=1 In the present paper, significance of gas-phase chemical reactions occurring in thermal analysis furnace is evaluated. Free radical...
Теги: biomass pyrolysis , tg-ms , radical trap , mechanism of thermochemical decomposition of toluene , thermodynamic modelingShamanskii V.A., Donskoi I.G. Model of carbon particle burnout in a flow reactor for thermochemical conversion of solid fuel // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. Vol.51. No.2. 2017. P.199-205. DOI: 10.1134/S0040579517020014 The gasification of coal dust in thermal power plants is a prospective technology for combining the production of electric power, heat, and chemical products. In this work, the method of calculating flow gasification, which takes into account the detailed diffusion...
Теги: gasification in flow , coal , mathematical modeling , thermodynamic modeling , diffusion kinetics , coal-gasification , simulation