... mathematical modelling. The calculated dependences of the process characteristics on the control parameters (such as fuel composition, gasification agent composition and the stoichiometric ratio) are obtained. For the linear dependence of the ash melting temperature on its composition, the regions of parameters in which the process is technologically feasible are highlighted. The effect of temperature limitations on the efficiency of the gasification process is estimated. © 2019, Allerton Press, Inc....
Теги: biomass , coal , entrained flow , gasification , mathematical modeling , efficiency , mathematical models , temperature , control parameters , effect of temperature , entrained flow gasifiers , fuel compositions , gasification process , process... hydrate particles (methane hydrate and CO2 hydrate) in a layer with no coalescence of particles (with “true size” of particles), as well as that of pressed pellets have been studied experimentally. The activation energy of gas hydrate at negative temperatures was determined using the statistical method. Values of the kinetic constant and activation energy Ea = 78.3–81 kJ/mol, obtained in the works of Kim, Bishnoi, Clarke et al. at methane hydrate dissociation, are valid only at positive temperatures ...
Теги: activation energy , dissociation kinetics , gas hydrate dissociation , carbon dioxide , dissociation , gases , hydration , kinetics , lasers , masers , methane , natural gas , natural gas transportation , natural gas wells , pelletizing , temperature