... gasifier or individual interconnected reactors, which enables achieving the optimal conditions for the conversion of biomass at every separate stage. The major advantage of multistage gasifiers is the production of synthesis gas with a low content of tar. The article represents a review of technologies for multistage wood biomass gasification and comparison of the relevant gasifiers of various types; the basic single-stage and multistage wood biomass gasification technologies are examined and their ...
Теги: distributed power generation , gasifier , multistage gasification , syngas , tars , wood biomass , biomass , electric power systems , gas generators , gas plants , gas turbines , synthesis gas , tar , wood , commercial implementation , gasification efficiency , gasificatДонской И.Г. Математическое моделирование газификации древесины смолистых продуктов на частицах активных компонентов // Изв. вузов. Проблемы энергетики. Т.20. №11-12. 2018. C.107-117. Работа посвящена численному исследованию процесса обращенной слоевой газификации древесной биомассы. Такие процессы используются для получения горючих газов на установках малой мощности. Для повышения качества генераторного газа предлагается использовать смесь древесного топлива с негорючим материалом, который может...
Теги: газификация , катализ , древесина , смола , очистка , математическое моделирование. , gasification , catalysis , wood , tar , gas cleaning , mathematical modeling... modern technical requirements of multistage gasification technology. In the first step of the process, is organized allothermic biomass pyrolysis using heat of exhaust gas and generating power plant. At this stage, the yield of volatile products (gas and tar) of fuel. In the second step, the layer of fuel is, the tar is decomposed by the action of hot air and steam, steam-gas mixture is formed further reacts with the charcoal in the third process stage. The paper presents a model developed by the authors ...
Теги: charcoal , fuels , gases , gasification , pyrolysis , tar , thermoanalysis , wood products , detailed kinetics , fuel gasification , gasification process , gasification technologies , simultaneous thermal analysi