Donskoy I.G. Mathematical modeling of coal and sewage sludge co>conversion using downdraft gasifer [Математическое моделирование совместной конверсии угля и шлама сточных вод в обращенном слоевом газогенераторе] ...
Теги: coal , cold gas efficiency , gasification , mathematical modelling , sewage sludgeDonskoy I.G. Numerical study on the efficiency of biomass and municipal waste fixed-bed co-gasification // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.114. ID: 06006. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911406006 The utilization of combustible waste, such as sewage sludge, can be combined with energy production for small-scale consumers. One of the ways of such utilization can be gasification, which makes it possible to obtain a combustible gas suitable for thermal and electric energy production. The aim ...
Теги: estimation , fuels , mixtures , sewage sludge , efficiency requirements , energy productions , fixed bed downdrafts , fuel-mixture compositions , gasification process , process characteristics , process efficie